Hello everyone! In the interest of not taking a whole day to put together a newsletter while in the middle of Update Crunchmode, we decided try a video newsletter! This would have worked so much better if a few things had been true! First, if Twitch hadn't changed their policies and *not recorded* the first attempt! Second, if everything we kept trying to show off hadn't kept breaking. Thirdly, if we had recorded this in a bit better quality. Fourth, if I didn't talk so much when I get excited about a project >.> Sorry this is an hour long!
However, it is a wonderful preview of the new FurN, there's stuff you've never seen in Furcadia before and has a lot of funny things that happened during it. Hope you'll all enjoy! Let us know if you'd like more of these done with video or if you prefer the written ones! Also, the Quest for 32-bit is going well! We are almost at 190k for The Second Dreaming!
~Emmie and The Team
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