By: Adam Les |
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DOWNLOAD: buttons.zip (286 Kb) & smileys.zip (4 Kb) File Type(s): buttons.fsh, smileys.fsh
Crazy new emoticons and buttons to replace the current ones found in the Furcadia console.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (273 Kb) File Type(s): brthplayer.fsh
Turns felines only into dragon breath walkabouts. (NOTE: Rename brthplayer.fsh to player.fsh for use)
By: Aerindreah |
[ back to the top ] |
DOWNLOAD: HERE (266 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh, player2.fsh, player7.fsh
Alternate Tri-Colors Patch : Gives felines, canines, and rodents different Tri-Color wings, similar in form to Classic Wings.
By: Aishyenna Tigris |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (151 Kb) File Type(s): marbled.pcx, screenshot.bmp
Rose-Colored Glasses : Modifies your Furcadia game appearance, turning everything pink! Includes a screenshot preview of the patch.
By: Aladar |
[ back to the top ] |
HERE File Type(s):
Images: shape21.bmp - shape40.bmp
Feral Horse Patch
: A collection of images to be used in a patch of your
choice. Not for beginners, as it contains .bmp files to add
By: Alaranth |
[ back to the top ] |
DOWNLOAD: HERE (378 Kb) File Type(s): player2.fsh, player2.fbj
AlaWings : This is a patch for classic winged felines, used in Water City's Nerothean Festival. Also includes one winged musteline pose.
By: Albus |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (200 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, floors.fsh, wall.fsh, junction.fsh; marbled.pcx
Club Kickin : This is the official patch from the popular Club Kickin dream. It includes lazer lights, modified from Raithen's Furcadia Live! patch, fog makers, gray appliances, tables, festively colored chairs, balloons, and fish tanks from Merle's The Beat patch. Also comes with a Marbled.pcx that changes the appearance of your Furcadia screen.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (83 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh
Black Appliances : This patch contains a recolored black stove, refrigerator, and sink (original art by Talzhemir).
"Feel free to insert them into your patches!" - Albus
DOWNLOAD: HERE (350 Kb) File Type(s): buttons.fsh, Marbled.pcx
Wrinkled Cloth : Modifies your Furcadia game appearance, creating a wrinkled effect to the background and buttons of Furcadia.
By: Alembic |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (592 Kb) File Type(s): item.fsh, item2.fsh, floors.fsh, wall.fsh
Water Wonderland : This patch includes floral walls, cattails, waterlillies, a waterfall, and two fish items perfect for a garden pond.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (592 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh, player2.fsh
Unicorn Fuzz Puff Balls : Affects un-winged felines. Also comes with classic winged players.
By: Aliyka |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (18 Kb) File Type(s): brth.fsh
Halloween-style Dragon Breath : The original Dragon Breath is modified into orange pumpkins.

DOWNLOAD: HERE (17 Kb) File Type(s): flame.fsh
Red Pheonix Flames : The original orange Pheonix Flame turned red.
By: Alpha Prime |
[ back to the top ] |
DOWNLOAD: HERE (35.7 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, item.fs2, item2.fs2, floore.fsh, floore.fbj, smileys.fsh, walls.fsh
Eden's Edge Patch : "This is the patch I keep in my dream, my own custom patchwork, along with a few from my wife, Serena Verde. Credits are included, and a complete item list stating whose is what can be found here." - Alpha Prime
By: Alyor |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (1051 Kb) File Type(s): item.fsh
This patch replaces objects 37 - 40 in your item.fsh with the elements of a scrollbar (like on the side of this webpage) from an isometric view (AKA 3-Quarter; i.e. the view Furcadia uses). "I imagine you could flip the images to get a horizontal scrollbar..." - Alyor
By: Ami noMiko |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (73 Kb) File Type(s): player5.fsh, portrt5.fsh
Kimonos for Lapines : Includes a kimono walkabout for felines and an alternate portrait.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (507 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh, portrait.fsh, portrt2.fsh
Bats : Unwinged rodents are changed into bats, complete with portraits for all genders.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (15 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh
Alcohol Patch : Various alcoholic beverage objects for the responsible adult furre.
By: Aquarius |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (6 Kb) File Type(s): player5.fsh, player5.fbj
Chibi Bunnies : This patch shrinks Lapines (player5.fsh).
DOWNLOAD: HERE (152 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh
Beasts of the Sea : This patch contains several large and small dolphin and whale objects.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (6 Kb) File Type(s): item.fsh, item.fbj, item2.fsh, item2.fbj, iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, wall.fsh, junction.fsh, floors.fsh, buttons.fsh; marbled.pcx
Winter Patch : This patch is a compilation winter patch which went with a winter dream for Danival's Winter Dream Contest 2002. The dream and patch won an Honorable Mention.
Arcana Miyaka |
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HERE File Type(s):
player.fsh, player.fbj, player5.fsh portrait.fsh portrt2.fsh
Mystical Furre Avatars : This patch changes Rodents
to Gryffes(the original style, not the currently-released
ones), Equines to Unicorns, Felines to Chimeras, Canines to
Dragons, Mustelines to Felitaurs, and Lapines to the new-style
Phoe. All complete with matching specitags and portraits! The
portraits and walkabouts were drawn by various artists.
By: Atas`Cosita |
[ back to the top ] |
DOWNLOAD: HERE (1021 Kb) File Type(s): portrait.fsh, portrt2.fsh, portrt3.fsh, portrt4.fsh, player.fsh, player2.fsh, player3.fsh, player4.fsh
Hyoomans in Furcadia : This patch by Heroh Ti'Mouse turns furres into human avatars, complete with a portrait set. Also includes chicken and lizard/kiwi avatars with portraits.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (2654 Kb) File Type(s): item.fsh, item2.fsh, iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, wall.fsh, floore.fsh, floore.fbj; various sound and midi files
Halloween Patch : "The Atas`Cosita Halloween Patch! Spook up your dream for the holiday, or even use it to put a permanent gloom on your furre's home!" - Atas`Cosita
DOWNLOAD: HERE (2897 Kb) File Type(s): item.fsh, item2.fsh, iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, wall.fsh, floors.fsh, floore.fsh; one midi file
Winter 2001 : "The 2001 Atas Winter Patch! Let your festive spirit show forth with the cheery winter patch created for the season!" - Atas`Cosita
DOWNLOAD: HERE (606 Kb) File Type(s): item.fsh, item2.fsh, iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, wall.fsh, floors.fsh, floore.fsh, smileys.fsh; one midi file
Winter 2002 : "Festive Seasons to you friend! Thank you for showing interest in the 2002 AtasCosita Winter Patch! The patch items were created by Heroh Ti'Mouse and Zaboo." - Atas`Cosita
By: Athene |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (287 Kb) File Type(s): player2.fsh
AlternaWings : A compilation by Athene: the Butterflies are from Jaguarbie's rodents with wings and altered by Tsumerai for felines; the musteline bat wings and canine fairy wings are Merle's, and the dragon equine wings are by MedleyPony.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (255 Kb) File Type(s): wall.fsh
Ruin Walls
DOWNLOAD: HERE (2832 Kb) File Type(s): item.fsh, item2.fsh, floors.fsh, wall.fsh, junction.fsh
Far East Furcadia : A far east theme patch, right down to the rice paper walls and laquered tables. Includes various items such as paper lanterns, red columns, anime pookies, sake bottles, a water lilly, pink flower tree, sushi tables, and cots.
HERE File Type(s):
door1.bmp, door2.bmp, floor1.bmp, floor2.bmp, floor3.bmp,
floor4.bmp, floor5.bmp, floor6.bmp, floor7.bmp, floor8.bmp,
wall1.bmp, wall2.bmp
A Mini-Patch : I made these walls and floors with the intention of using them in a Christmas dream, but never really completed it. I hope someone else can get better use of them ^.^ I imagine they would also be ideal for a hotel, or a rich furre's manor house.
The patch is not for beginners though, it contains .bmp files to be added into any floor or wall fsh file, manually.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (97.9 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, wall.fsh, wall.fbj, floore.fsh, floore.fbj
Modern Apartment : Patch contains a free standing fireplace, updated faux finish walls, Merle's re-colored furniture, new flooring, and new doors."Just a few walls/items/floors that people seem to want. They're good for modern apartment type dreams." - Athene
By: Athlor |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (1792 Kb) File Type(s): floors.fsh, item.fsh, wall.fsh; default.map, default.ds, five sound files, and one midi file
The Borg Bar : "This dream is odd but with unique Borgish graphics. It includes a bomb layer for fun that drops a bomb when you use it (Ctrl-U). It has a 5 second delay and can kill you like walking into the force field. Death really just sends you to the Borg Regeneration Chamber." - Athlor
DOWNLOAD: HERE (1867 Kb) File Type(s): floors.fsh, item.fsh, item.fbj, wall.fsh; default.map, default.ds, two sound files and one midi
Dizzyland : "The concept of a theme park has been done before but never with graphics like this. The rollercoaster pieces were snagged from Rollercoaster Tycoon. It also has a 4 furre Furre-Go-Round and 8 furre Furre-Lift. This ride I never seen before but thought it was a good idea and works well. The DS code is as tight as possible but still may be laggy with a dozen or more furres in the dream at the same time. If I ever come back to this dream, I'd like to add a real wave pool that tosses a furre up noticably when the wave goes by." - Athlor
DOWNLOAD: HERE (1759 Kb) File Type(s): floors.fsh, item.fsh, wall.fsh; default.map, default.ds, and two sound files
Phaser Tag : "The first Laser Tag dream on Furcadia and the code was done before the update went online. A dream where chaos and arnarchy reign. Three weapons include a phaser, flamethrower and plasma bombs. The gray stone floors are safe areas. Have fun and die. I plan on updating this dream and use the bullet-proof 'furre is solid' routines that Carnage and Anarchy use now." - Athlor
DOWNLOAD: HERE (397 Kb) File Type(s): floors.fsh, item.fsh, wall.fsh; default.map, default.ds, and various sound files
Carnage and Anarchy : "This is kind of the evil version of Phaser Tag. Three weapons include a phaser, flamethrower and machine gun. All feature the new bullet-proof weapon routine using Mage Rooster's 'Furre Is Solid' technique as suggested by Guardhorse. The black stone floors are safe areas. Also has an Electric chair in the center for Frying your furre fiends, err...friends." - Athlor
DOWNLOAD: HERE (1805 Kb) File Type(s): item.fsh, wall.fsh; default.map, default.ds, and various midi files
Athlor's Rave : "The idea was inspired by several dance club dreams and I took it to the next level. Of course the rave had to be in a warehouse. It has a disco floor, flashing floodlights and a manual floodlight for impact. Eight excellent XG midi songs are included to keep them furre's dancing all night long." - Athlor
DOWNLOAD: HERE (1759 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fbj, iteme.fsh, wall.fsh; default.map, default.ds, and three sound files
Cemetery : "This was my third dream and even though it has patches it is still fast loading. It even has the occasional owl hooting and wolf howling for atmosphere. These graphics I snagged from a single screenshot of a game except for the fence which I made." - Athlor
By: Ayumi-Snowe |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (9 Kb) File Type(s): scaryobjects.fsh
Scary Objects : (NOTE: These items to be put into another file or renamed to iteme.fsh for functional use.)
By: Azera |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (64 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh
Fixed ArchAngel Wings : This patch applies Tri-Wings to laying down canines in Kestrel's ArchAngel Canine wing patch. Affects unwinged canines.
By: The Beekins |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (3296 Kb) File Type(s): item.fsh, item.fbj, item2.fsh, item2.fbj, iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj
Theriopolis Patch : Bridges, food carts, fishing poles, lily pads, and so much more! For a preview of this patch, visit Theriopolis, located in Imaginarium. Credits: Diremoon and friends. Music by sanctimonious.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (1828 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, floore.fsh
Jujinka's Spring Festival Patch : Includes various peddling carts, sittable flowers, maypoles, and more spring fun! Made especially for the 2002 Jujinka Spring Festival held in Meovanni. Contributions by Beekin Pixels. |
DOWNLOAD: HERE (1440 Kb) File Type(s): floors.fsh, iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, item2.fsh, item2.fbj, wall.fsh
Silver Sponsorship Dream : The official Silver Sponsors patch, located in the Silver Showcase dream in AI's Hall of Dreams. Includes portraits, jungle atmosphere, and caves! Contributions by Masons and Pixels. (Specific credits in readme.txt).
DOWNLOAD: HERE (1616 Kb) File Type(s): wall.fs2, floore.fbj, iteme.fbj, floore.fs2, iteme.fs2
Rameen Festival : This patch was used for the official 2002 Furcadia Rameen Festival. It includes items from Oviedo and Jefurre's (among others) Beekin Beach Party patch: surfboards, Sanctuary's Animal Carousel, sandcastles in the form of primes, starfish, innertubes, and even a fish fry! Contributions by Masons and Pixels.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (755 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fs2, item2.fs2, floors.fs2, floore.fs2
Zefiroth : The patch from the secret Fall 2002 map now made public in Furcadia. Following a winged creature theme, it includes clouds, floating islands, columns, portals, a chaise couch, rainbows, and large statues of the Furcadian Primes. Art by Kestrel, Oraclese, and Marah~Fae.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (513 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fs2, iteme.fbj, wall.fs2, floors.fs2, junction.fs2, smileys.fs2, portrt5.fs2, portrt2.fs2, portrait.fs2, player8.fs2, player7.fs2, player5.fs2; various sounds
Wolf Howl : The Wolf Howl was an event held around Halloween of 2002. Meovanni Village was transformed for the weekend into a harvest-time atmosphere, with pumpkins, eerie spiders, and bales of hay as decoration. Each player was transformed into Talzhemir's Wolf avatar and could "howl" at each other. Included in this patch are these howls, decorations, and avatars as well as creepy smiley faces and cob-webbed walls.
HERE File Type(s):
M11.mid, iteme.fs2, item2.fs2, floors.fs2, floore.fs2,
Egyptian Festival Patch : The patch
from the 2003 Egyptian Festival, honoring our Prime of
Felines, M'Rill, including various marketplace items, a Senet
board, a barge, and much more.
By: Benjamin Stormcrow |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (12.3 Kb) File Type(s): brth.fsh
Ben's Fire Breath : "Ever since I spent 50 bucks to buy this here dragon thing, I have longed desperately to have something new. The current brth file is fine and all, but I needed something...less colorful - without hearts. I needed REAL FIRE. So when the patch editor came out, I jumped on the chance, and viola!" - Benjamin Stormcrow
By: Bleu Bird |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (20 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj
Conveyor Belt
Cabanos |
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HERE File Type(s): portrait.fsh,
portrait3.fsh, player3.fsh
Player3.fsh &
Portrait3.fsh are both part of my cow patch that turns all
dragons into cows. Moo. Player.fsh is a Final Fantasy 1
(8-bit! Nintendo rawks!) patch, in which all wingless furres
(not including lapines and the specials!) turn into characters
from the good ol' ancient FF1 game!
Carrie O'Kaye (help from Sylia) |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (222 Kb) File Type(s): portrait.fsh
DOWNLOAD: HERE (222 Kb) File Type(s): portrait.fsh
Cerulean Ghost |
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HERE File Type(s):
Cannons and Things : Included here
is the open/close grand piano, which I originally created.
Altered, colored versions of it have been seen in some dreams,
which I don't mind if credit is given. The most notable
versions are the brown one and the glossy black one made by
Corsyus (both not included). The field cannons come in four
different orientations. The rest is for ambiance.
Compiled By: Cesaire D'Eure |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (356 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh
Mixed Wings : This patch combines Kestrel's Archangel Wings for canines and Fairy mustelines, Jagu's Butterfly Wings modified by Tsumerai for felines, Fire Wings for rodents and Warrior Flies for equines by Siana Myste.
By: Claire Anderson ( AKA Aalah) |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (378 Kb) File Type(s): portrait.fsh, player.fsh
The Dead Furre Patch! : "The name pretty much speaks for itself... all the furres are... well, dead." - Claire
By: Clawz (help from Usako) |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (42 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh
Big Heads!
DOWNLOAD: HERE (57 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh
Big Tails!
By: Cliff |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (29 Kb) File Type(s): houses.fsh
Small Village : Cartoonish small houses, a small pine tree, and other trees completes this mini village patch. (NOTE: Rename houses.fsh to iteme.fsh for functional use.)
DOWNLOAD: HERE (129 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, floors.fsh, test_items.fsh
Sports Items : Items perfect for any sporting event. Includes goals, balls, and sticks.
By: The Circle |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (830 Kb) File Type(s): item.fsh, item2.fsh, iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, floors.fsh, floore.fsh, wall.fsh, junction.fsh, portrait.fsh, player2.fsh, player2.fbj
The Sanctuary Patch : Items by Talzhemir, portraits and walls completed by Ayeka. This patch includes beautiful flowers, huge trees, music, kitterwings, plus more! To get a glimpse of this patch visit Sanctuary, located in Allegria's Hall of Dreams. Also with item contributions by: Zephyr, Hoshi Himura, Ryhn, Kuera, and Seraphiel.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (4284 Kb) File Type(s): item.fsh, item2.fsh, iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, floors.fsh, floore.fsh, wall.fsh, junction.fsh, portrait.fsh, player2.fsh, player2.fbj; 10 midi files
The Sanctuary Carnival Patch : Complete with colorful balloons, various carnival music, carousal animals, various games, a kissing booth, and even a dunk tank! This patch will be sure to make your dream's carnival more eventful! Contributions by: Youlanda, Shadraw, Seraphiel, Zephyr, Kuera, Ryhn, and Hoshi Himura.
By: Corsyus |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (71 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj
Chocobos : Chocobos are a bird like creature featured in Squaresoft's gaming series Final Fantasy™. This patch contains Corsyus' items of sittable Chobobos in various colors.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (96 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh
Moogles : Moogles, or Mogs, are characters from the Squaresoft game series Final Fantasy™. The name "moogle" is from the words "mogura" and "koumori" which mean mole and bat respectively. This patch turns non-winged mustelines into Corsyus' rendition of the Moogle.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (1966 Kb) File Type(s): item2.fsh, item2.fbj, floors.fsh; text file of DS sample code
Rivendell Castle Patch : A compilation of various medieval items from patchers such as Kestrel, Youlanda, Gin Blossom, and Corsyus himself. Includes water tiles that 'ripple' when you walk upon them and the adjoining DS explanation.
By: CozmoPhaton |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (3.33 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh
The Great Cow Patch : Contains four "cowish" items! "Here is a cow patch I made when I realised there was a great lackage in the society of cows!" - CozmoPhaton
By: Dair |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (222 Kb) File Type(s): portrait.fsh
Dair's First Portrait Patch
DOWNLOAD: HERE (416 Kb) File Type(s): wall.fsh, wall.fbj, junction.fsh,
Vined Walls
By: Darien Blackhawk |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (1085 Kb) File Type(s): smileys.fsh, buttons.fsh, system.fsh, Border1.pcx, title261.pcx, Marbled.pcx
Stonehenge Patch : Modifies your Furcadia game appearance into a Stonehenge theme, complete with background, buttons, and emoticons.
By: Deathdog3000 |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (3.48 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, floore.fsh, floore.fbj; Headacheland.map, Headacheland.ds
Illusion Patch : Through the careful placement of one off-kilter pixel, the patch creates a very crazy effect! This tile will show up black in your DreamEd. Also comes with five disco floors, one health warning tile, one white tile, and dream and DS to show how the patch works.
By: Death IIII |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (227 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh
Trenchcoats for Canines : Original trenchcoats by Jagu (see Trenchcoat Patch) - this patch was modified for un-winged canines.
By: Dectok Lokkie |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (813 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh, portrait.fsh
Dracolich Patch, Undead Dragons : Tranforms Furcadia's default dragon (art by Kestrel) into a boney frame, complete with a matching portrait set.
By: Demongoldfish |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (2869 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh, player2.fsh, player3.fsh, portrait.fsh, wall.fsh, item.fsh, item2.fsh
Toon Animals Patch : Changes the player.fsh, portrait.fsh into toon-like 3D animals including mice, cats, dogs, ferrets, and rabbits. Also comes with small pet-like items and walls for these avatars.
By: Dese |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (53 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj
Barstools : This patch contains 30 stools, similar to the one in the picture. "The original concept was Aulina's, and I thought it was spiffy so went ahead and made them." - Dese
DOWNLOAD: HERE (357 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh, player2.fsh
Cabbage Patch : Turns your Furcadia avatars into walking foilage, including a second set with wings for winged avatars. "Quite an amusing little patch that Dalin Kayde/The Alex inspired me to create. Credit for the wings goes to Zephyr, creator of the blob patch and the cabbages were originally from the default Item.fsh before I desecrated them." - Dese
DOWNLOAD: HERE (64.8 Kb) File Type(s): player6.fsh, player 5.fsh, player 10.fsh, player8.fsh
Floppy Bunny Ears
DOWNLOAD: HERE (2.11 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj; map
Dese's Dark Patch : "The Dark is a particular favorite of mine. It's very small (a single object) and very handy. It can be used to RP in gloomy surroundings or in a night setting, or you can use it like I do in OOC dreams to make everything less bright to eyes that are overworked from patching! The zip file includes the small dream seen in the pictures on the left, DS, and credits file with simple instructions on use. " - Dese
DOWNLOAD: HERE (45.3 Kb) File Type(s): portrait.fsh, portrt5.fsh
Portrait Patch : Patch includes portraits for rodent, equine, feline, canine, musteline and lapine, both male and female. Each was originally drawn on paper by my sister who goes by 'Aulina' online. More of her art may be viewed here. The patch may be used in your dreams or even as a personal portrait space (I have the fem bunny!), on the condition that my name is not removed from the portrait." - Dese
DOWNLOAD: HERE (1.13 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh
Fire Lamps : "This patch contains three objects and the credits file has DS with which you can animate it." - Dese
DOWNLOAD: HERE (1.13 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj
Double Seats : A seat that two furres can sit on at once. "Feel free to change the color." - Dese
DOWNLOAD: HERE (1.13 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj
Love Seats : Merle created the original significantly smaller seat, and these are made based on the Psychoanalysis chairs that was created by Kalyanii.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (3.54 Kb) File Type(s): floore.fsh, floore.fbj, iteme.fbj, iteme.fsh
Steamy Water : "This patch contains four shallow water-steam objects and three floor tiles. The credits file includes DS that can be used to animate it all. " - Dese
DOWNLOAD: HERE (851 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, floors.fsh
Winter Patch : Contains winter versions of all the Sanctuary flowers and trees and also the 128-144 object trees (found in the default item.fsh), although you have to individually place them all - and a few others tossed in. The floor patch is from the furfal97 patch by Talzhemir, the sand from Youlanda.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (851 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, floors.fsh
Autumn Patch : Contains autumn versions of all the Sanctuary flowers and trees and also the 128-144 object trees (found in the default item.fsh), although you have to individually place them all - and a few others tossed in. The floor patch is from the furfal97 patch by Talzhemir.
By: DiamondKatt |
[ back to the top ] |
DOWNLOAD: HERE (118 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh
Anime Faces and Items : Contains Zelli's "Toy Patch" as well as a slew of other small sprites, 80s cartoon characters, and anime characters.
By: Dirasa Du'ased'streea
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (254 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh
Cardboard Box Player Patch (Canine Only) : Also included are Jagu/Israfel's capes for rodents, felines, and mustelines, as well as Roland's capes for equines. "Changes the canine into a little cardboard box! Inspired by The Box." - Dirasa
DOWNLOAD: HERE (254 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh
Cardboard Box Player Patch (All Species, Except Lapines) : Affects all player.fsh avatars.
Compiled By: The Dragon Hound |
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DOWNLOAD: See Website Here File Type(s): player.fsh
All Species Capes Patch : Combines Roland's capes for equines and Jagu/Israfel's capes for felines with modified capes for rodents, mustelines and canines.
By: Dywn |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (1,689 Kb) File Type(s): wackyPlayer.fsh
Wacky Player Patch : Transforms the normal avatars into wacky looking players!
Rodent - Rocket Rat; Equine - Horsnet; Feline - Snakat; Canine - Wibbile; Musteline - Twin Badgerslug.
(NOTE: Rename wackyPlayer.fsh to player.fsh for use.)