Ellodie |
[ back to the top ] |
DOWNLOAD: HERE (286 Kb) File Type(s): wall.fsh, iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj
Peasant Patch : This patch made by Ellodie (and its adjoining dream) won First Place at the Spring Festival Dream Contest held in 2002. It includes new walls, thatched roof tiles, wooden switches, stocks, and everything peasant.
"Use how you like, but do not claim that you made this, and if you see anyone claiming it as theirs, please contact me. If you would like to alter it, please ask first. Thank you :)" - Ellodie
DOWNLOAD: HERE (133 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, floore.fsh, junction.fsh, wall.fsh
Winter Palace : This patch made by Ellodie (and its adjoining dream) won First Place at the Winter Festival held in 2002. It includes icy walls, icy floors, four different ice statues, frosted trees, and more!
"Use how you like, but do not claim that you made this, and if you see anyone claiming it as theirs, please contact me. If you would like to alter it, please ask first. Thank you :)" - Ellodie
By: Elsae |
[ back to the top ] |
DOWNLOAD: HERE (4.0 Kb) File Type(s): smileys.fsh
Goofy Smileys : "They are based off faces I draw in real life!" - Elsae
By: Esther B'Zooka |
[ back to the top ] |
DOWNLOAD: HERE (228 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh
Kilt Patch : "My very first patch! It changes the walkabout graphics for the mustelines so they have little kilts on the same color as their capes." - Esther B'Zooka
By: Evrine |
[ back to the top ] |
DOWNLOAD: HERE (1,062 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, floore.fsh
Beautiful Patch : This patch has a 200 items and 24 floor tiles. All center on a garden theme with wooden benches, topiaries, wild flowers, planted flowers, and lilypads. All new floor tiles, modified from the originals by Talzhemir.
By: Fexer and Foxina |
[ back to the top ] |
DOWNLOAD: HERE (222 Kb) File Type(s): portrait.fsh
Punk Portraits
By: Fitzknuckle D. |
[ back to the top ] |
DOWNLOAD: HERE (2023 Kb) File Type(s): item.fsh, item2.fsh
Alternative Red Letters : This patch turns the rainbow letters (objects 433 - 464) into solid red letters.
By: Flitz |
[ back to the top ] |
DOWNLOAD: HERE (159 Kb) File Type(s): wall.fsh
Rainbow Walls : This patch contains two tall, colorful walls, and two half walls to "...brighten up your dream! Do not edit without my permission :)". - Flitz
By: Foxicity |
[ back to the top ] |

DOWNLOAD: HERE (222 Kb) File Type(s): portrait.fsh
Non-Marked Canine Portrait Patch
DOWNLOAD: HERE (444 Kb) File Type(s): portrait.fsh, player.fsh
Fox Portraits : Turns male and female canines into foxes!
DOWNLOAD: HERE (444 Kb) File Type(s): portrait.fsh
Jujinka Patch Replaces the last four shapes in your portrait patch with Jujinka, re-colored coded so it will match your colors. This only affects the Create-A-Character Screen.
By: Furry Artists of Furcadia (FAoF) |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (292 Kb) File Type(s): portrait.fsh, portrt2.fsh, portrtr3.fsh
Masquerade Portraits 2001 : A collaboration of the FAoF for their annual Masquerade. Artists of the group contribute for a unique set of portraits.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (26.1 Kb) File Type(s): portrait.fsh
FAoF Portraits : Another set of unique portraits from contributing members.
By: Galia |
[ back to the top ] |

DOWNLOAD: HERE (292 Kb) File Type(s): player5.fsh, portrt5.fsh
Headless Bunnies : A slightly grotesque version of a headless lapine with portraits. Affects un-winged lapines only.
By: Garbaham |
[ back to the top ] |
DOWNLOAD: HERE (1312 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh, player2.fsh
Scarhawk Riders : This patch places avatars upon Scarhawks, a Furcadia original creation by Talzhemir (found in the item.fsh and item2.fsh: objects 256 & 385).
DOWNLOAD: HERE (299 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh
Pirates : Arr! I be a Furcadian Pirate, matey! This player patch gives Rodents a parrot (kiwi; default object 255) upon their shoulder and felines a sword (default object 58), cape (originals by Jagu), and feathered hat.
By: Gavin |
[ back to the top ] |
DOWNLOAD: HERE (228 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh
Rodent Warriors : Gives rodent walkabouts a sword.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (178 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh
Pookie & Kiwi Patch : This patch changes un-winged felines to pookies (default object 53) and rodents to kiwis (default object 255).
DOWNLOAD: fog.zip (92 Kb) & foggynight.zip (92K) & night.zip (92K) File Type(s): Marbled.pcx
These files change the appearance of your Furcadia console. They replace your Marbled.pcx file with a special one that uses
a different palette to create the illusion of night time and fog.
Compiled/By: Gin Blossom |
[ back to the top ] |
DOWNLOAD: HERE (1956 Kb) File Type(s): item.fsh, item.fbj, item2.fsh, item2.fbj, iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, floors.fsh, floors.fbj, buttons.fsh, brth.fsh, player.fsh, player2.fsh, portrait.fsh; Marbled.pcx, one midi, 12 sound files
Rainshire Guild Patch : Compiled and customized by Gin Blossom. Items contributed by Gin Blossom, Ka'Mang, Honcho, Nullzafy, Youlanda, and small parts from other published patches. "This patch is intended for use with Rainshire guild dreams. Emblems, flags and other such items in the patch are recognized as Rainshire kingdom trademarks and should not be used or people will think you dream belongs to the Rainshire guild." - Gin Blossom
DOWNLOAD: HERE (1956 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, wall.fsh, junction.fsh, buttons.fsh, Galleon.map, Galleon.ds; one sound file
Pirate Ship Patch : Compiled and customized by Gin Blossom. Items contributed by Ka' Mang, Honcho, Corsyus, and Youlanda and Red Fox's Wooden Wall Patch. "Special thanks to St. Mirical for testing the early versions of the ship." - Gin Blossom
DOWNLOAD: HERE (766 Kb) File Type(s): item.fsh, item.fbj, item2.fsh, item2.fbj, iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, wall.fsh, junction.fsh, floors.fsh, floore.fsh, floore.fbj; dream, ds and sound files
Starship Patch 2003 : Patch created and organized by: Gin Blossom and Honcho with items contributed by Messenger Wind, Ka'Mang, Corsyus, Raithen, Kubwakanu, Nullzafy, Maiko Ekisha, Cerulean Ghost, Aqua Spacecat, Kinsem and parts compiled and edited from Youlanda and Red Fox's published woodwall and dungeon patches.
"It was the first true Spaceship patch in Furcadia and I'm hopeful it is comprehensive enough for anyone to build from. The starship I've included is a Proteus class. Its called the Pegasus, my personal starship, but I've decided to give it to furcadia for other people to use and study its 3600+ DS." - Gin Blossom
DOWNLOAD: HERE (24 Kb) File Type(s): fire_arm_patch.fsh
Fire Arm Patch : Includes cannons, lasers, and guns. (NOTE: Rename fire_arm_patch.fsh or copy and paste items into other patch files for functional use.)
DOWNLOAD: HERE (68 Kb) File Type(s): flags.fsh
Flags : Contains three items of an American flag. (NOTE: Rename flags.fsh or copy and paste items into other patch files for functional use.)
DOWNLOAD: HERE (68 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh
Statues : A set of 14 statues, featuring Hoshi Himura's Griffon and Cataur, Kestrel's Amazon and Canine Archangel wings, Roland's equine and musteline, Nitefall's winged furre, and other assorted avatars.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (224 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh
Anime Dogs : Worked on by Gin Blossom and Corsyus: affects only un-winged canines, turning them into an anime style walkabout.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (1197 Kb) File Type(s): fixeddusk.pcx, fixedlavender_sky.pcx, fixedoasis.pcx, fixedpipeways.pcx, fixedRuin.pcx, fixedsanctuary.pcx, fixedsubberbs.pcx
Alternate Marbled.pcx Files : Modifies your Furcadia game appearance into different sceneries. (NOTE: Rename each file to Marbled.pcx for functional use.)
By: Glyndon |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (2070 Kb) File Type(s): item.fsh, item.fbj, item2.fsh, item2.fbk
Imperial Pink Palace Patch : Objects
DOWNLOAD: HERE (255 Kb) File Type(s): wall.fsh
Imperial Pink Palace Patch : Walls
DOWNLOAD: HERE (59 Kb) File Type(s): floore.fsh, floore.fbj
Imperial Pink Palace Patch : Floors
DOWNLOAD: HERE (301 Kb) File Type(s): portrait.fsh, portrt3.fsh, portrt4.fsh, portrt5.fsh
Imperial Pink Palace Patch : Portraits (Many thanks to Selk for giving me honest feedback and advice on my dragon portraits!" - Glyndon)
DOWNLOAD: HERE File Type(s): floore.fsh, floore.fbj
Twilight Manor's Floor Patch : "Colors have been changed to make a distinction between this patch and the pirated version floating around. This is the -only- official release of the Twilight Manor's Floor Patch." - Glyndon
DOWNLOAD: HERE File Type(s): iteme.fbj, iteme.fsh
Twlight Manor's Object Patch : "Colors have been changed to make a distinction between this patch and the pirated version floating around. This is the only official release of the Twilight Manor's Object Patch." - Glyndon
DOWNLOAD: HERE (301 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, wall.fsh, junction.fsh
Star Castle: Walls : "This is primarily a wall patch, but there are a few objects included. The long thin black strips are corner pieces for the exterior walls. There is one for the inside corner & one for outside. Also included are large double doors, roof accents (the three pyramids), and a drawbridge. The drawbridge has all the bits needed to draw up and lower down with (though you need to write the DS to do it)." - Glyndon
By: Golden Zero 2 |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (97 Kb) File Type(s): ball patch.fsh, ball.fsh
Ball Patch : Various balls based off of default object 34. Also includes Sonic the Hedgehog and DBZ items. (NOTE: These items to be put into another file or renamed to iteme.fsh for functional use.)
By: Gray Heart |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (133 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh, portrait.fsh
Gray Heart : This patch changes mustelines, felines, and canines into Furcadia's default dragon by Kestrel.
By: gr/\wolf |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (534 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, wall.fsh, floore.fsh
Counter Strike Patch : The popular mod from the game Half-Life meets Furcadia! Includes log-like walls, combat items, and matching floors.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (124 Kb) File Type(s): wall.fsh
Walls : Walls ranging from green, purple, and orange; even rubber-duckie walls!
By: Hayato | [ back to the top ] |
DOWNLOAD: HERE (156 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh
Anime Portraits : Various pictures of anime portraits to decorate your dream.
By: Hellfire's Fury | [ back to the top ] |
DOWNLOAD: HERE (375 Kb) File Type(s): portrait.fsh, portrt2.fsh, portrt5.fsh, player.fsh, player5, player7
Mystical Equine Patch : Everyone's a different type of Mystical Equine! Equine is horse, lapine is foal, musteline is unicorn, canine is foal, feline is pegasus, rodent is pegasus foal. Furres with tri-wings are alicorns, or unipegs. Wing color is determined by cape color while horn color is determined by badge color.
By: Hippo | [ back to the top ] |
DOWNLOAD: HERE (33 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj
Rain Patch : This patch contains three rain items which can be animated using DS to create a raining effect in your dream.
Hiiragi Koneko |
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HERE File Type(s):
m14, m10, m11,m12, m13, m15, m16, m17, m18, m31, m2, m3,m32, m33, m34, m35, m36, m37, m3, m39, m4, m40, m41, m42, m5, m6, m7, m8, m9, m1, exampleds, readme.txt
Club Aerie Music Patch : This patch is just basically the
same music patch I have in my Dream. (www.theaerieclub.cjb.net)
It contains midi files from Ah My Goddess to CowBoy Bebop. To
operate the Music in your dream just type: Track# It's very
easy. You can also make a little jukebox or something if your
good at patching, thats always fun ;) xoxo love -Tina
By: Holyspeed | [ back to the top ] |
DOWNLOAD: HERE (49.3 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, floore.fsh
Cute Little Items : Various "cute" objects are included with this new object and floor patch: penguins, a modified bird bath, neon floors, and cartoonish pies, flowers, and cartoon character drawings.
By: HollyAnn |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (302 Kb) File Type(s): portrait.fsh, portrt3.fsh, portrt4.fsh, portrt5.fsh
HollyAnn's Portrait Patch |
DOWNLOAD: HERE (57 Kb) File Type(s): item.fsh
Fall Patch : By HollyAnn and Riff; this item.fsh contains new food tables and altered default trees (objects 128-144)to create a seasonal fall look.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (600 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh, portrait.fsh, portrt2.fsh
Canines to Dragons : Changes canines only into Furcadia's default dragons (art by Kestrel) - complete with portrait set.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (109 Kb) File Type(s): hollymarbled.pcx
Pastel Droplets Marbled : This patch replaces the regular Marbled.pcx for Furcadia with a light, rainbow background with water droplets along it. (NOTE: Rename hollymarbled.pcx to marbled.pcx for functional use.) "Special thanks to Youlanda for help with transposing colours to that of Furcadia's" - HollyAnn
DOWNLOAD: HERE (109 Kb) File Type(s): marbled.pcx
Wooden Marbled : This Marbled.pcx was created by HollyAnn, using the general layout created by Odin Nordhaven.
By: Honcho |
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DOWNLOAD: See Website Here (1043 Kb) File Type(s): item.fsh, item.fbj
Bathroom Patch : The new bathroom items replace the Knight Chess Pieces in your item.fsh. "This was once the centerpiece of my dream, and furres still seem to want to hang out in it!" - Honcho
DOWNLOAD: See Website Here (325 Kb) File Type(s): player.fs2, portrait.fsh, portrt2.fsh
Felitaurs/Chakats : These new four-legged avatars replace the equine in the player.fsh. Original art by Hoshi Himura.
DOWNLOAD: See Website Here (325 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, floore.fsh; 6DiceRoll.map, 6DiceRoll.ds
Single 6 Dice : A single, white, six-sided die.
DOWNLOAD: See Website Here (173 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, floore.fsh; DiceRoll.map, DiceRoll.ds
Double 6 Dice : Two six-sided dice, Red and Green.
DOWNLOAD: See Website Here (160 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, floore.fsh; 10DiceRoll.map, 10DiceRoll.ds
Double 6 Dice : Three ten-sided dice - Red, Blue, and Yellow.
"Ever wanted to roll a pair of dice in a dream by actually rolling a pair of dice instead of using the Furcadia roll command? These patches and DS routines will do it, and you can put them in any dream just by copying the patch files and DS coding, and placing a few new floors spaces and objects." - Honcho
DOWNLOAD: See Website Here (4718 Kb) File Type(s): item.fsh, item2.fsh, floors.fsh, wall.fsh, patterns.fsh
Furtropolis Patch : Made by Honcho and Talzhemir, this patch includes city-like objects (streets, traffic lights, cars, office objects, playground equipment, etc) as well as new patterns for walls and floors. See the dream which showcases this patch in the entry of Acropolis.
DOWNLOAD: See Website Here (1074 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, floore.fsh, floore.fbj, wall.fsh; BWDtestmap.map, BWDtestmap.ds
Bridges, Waves and Docks : "Tired of just a plank over water? So I was I! I made this patch to give everyone several new options. (NOTE: This patch also includes a test dream to show how everthing is put together. This patch should only be used by those with high dreambuilding expertise.)" - Honcho
By: Hoppers |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (222 Kb) File Type(s): portrait.fsh
Hopper's Portrait Patch
DOWNLOAD: HERE (228 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh
Ponytail Player Patch : "This patch modifies the avatars of the rodents, canines, and felines. It gives them a ponytail (worn low so that it can be considered uni-sex). Lots of furres have long hair (male and female) including myself so I played around. This idea is not mine originally, let me note, but here's my version of it." - Hoppers
By: Horris |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (311 Kb) File Type(s): Non_MarkedFurres_APortrait.fsh, Non_MarkedFurres_APortrait.bmp
Non-Marked Furres : Alters the default Furcadia portrait.fsh, removing markings from all furres. (NOTE: Rename Non_MarkedFurres_APortrait.fsh to portrait.fsh for functional use.)
By: Hoshi Himura |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (434 Kb) File Type(s): speci2.fsh, player2.fsh
Griffins : Changes winged felines into Hoshi Himura's rendition of a Griffin as well as an added Griffin SpeciTag. Also spelled griffon or gryphon, this mythical beast has the head and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion. It is often found in Grecian and Roman works of art.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (228 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh
Cataurs : Stemming from Greek Mythology, this patch is likened to the Centaur - monsters having the head, arms, and torso of a man and the body and legs of a horse. In true Anthro form, the human aspects have been replaced by feline attributes. Changes un-winged felines only.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (228 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh
Butterfairies for Felines : This patch changes felines only into Hoshi Himura's combination of butterflies and fairies.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (381 Kb) File Type(s): player2.fsh
Female Elves : This patch changes winged equines only into a female elf.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (- Kb) File Type(s): player2.fsh
Earth Elementals : This patch changes equines only into an Earth Elemental.
By: Hyzenflay |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (15 Kb) File Type(s): player4.fsh, portrt5.fsh
Feral Lapines : A new feral lapine complete with male and female portraits.
By: Israfel/Jagu |
[ back to the top ] |
DOWNLOAD: HERE (612 Kb) File Type(s): player2.fsh, player.fsh
Holiday Special : Affects un-winged felines and felines with Classic wings, giving them santa hats and capes in true seasonal spirit.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (267 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh
Butterfly Felines : Affects un-winged felines, giving them Israfel/Jagu's rendition of butterfly wings.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (233 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh
Mice with Butterfly Wings : Affects un-winged mice only, giving them Israfel/Jagu's rendition of butterfly wings.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (226 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh
Trench coats for Felines : Affects un-winged felines only.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (231 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh
The Capes Patch : Affects un-winged felines only.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (274 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh, player5.fsh
All Species Capes Patch : Adds capes to all un-winged species - including lapines.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (494 Kb) File Type(s): portrait.fsh, player.fsh
Classic Dragons : Furcadia's Original Dragons! Before the current default dragon avatar, these dragons were unofficially the dragon of Furcadia. Affects un-winged equines only.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (600 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh, player2.fsh
Snuggle Patch : Affects winged and un-winged felines, changing their laying down positions so that they "snuggle" each other. "(No, the heart isn't in the patch, heheh)" - Israfel/Jagu
DOWNLOAD: HERE (379 Kb) File Type(s): player2.fsh
Altered Wings : Changes the color of Classic wings on rodents, equines, felines, canines, and mustelines. The flight, or tip, feathers are the player's fur color.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (2110 Kb) File Type(s): item.fsh, item2.fsh
PillowHunters Guild Patch : Places colored markers above pillows for faster finding. Also includes some other sittable items.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (1051 Kb) File Type(s): item.fsh
New Pillows : A new assortment of pillows.
By: The Jedi Clan 2 |
[ back to the top ] |
HERE (523 Kb) File Type(s): buttons.fsh, item.fsh, iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, floore.fsh, wall.fsh, marbled.pcx; jc.map, jc.ds
Jedi Council Patch : This patch is a modified version of the Tempest Legion Army Patch by Krindus in order to make a Jedi Clan.
By: Jefurre |
[ back to the top ] |
DOWNLOAD: HERE (363 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj
Advanced Stereo Patch : This patch is a fully functional midi stereo with 30 midi capacity, 5 buttons to play, re-wind, stop, and pause, and a song number indicator. Use DragonSpeak to make this patch functional.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (15 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj; patched.map, patched.ds
Hotfoot Patch : This patch has modified the pheonix flame, making it appear in varying sizes after a walking furre. Dream and DragonSpeak for the patch provided.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (118 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, floors.fsh; destruct switch.map, destruct switch.ds
Snow Furre Christmas : A drunk, animated snow furre writes a message in the snow. "I made this at Christmas to wish all my friends in Furcadia a Merry Christmas!" - Jefurre
DOWNLOAD: HERE (15 Kb) File Type(s): flame.fsh, flame1.fsh
Colored Pheonix Flames : Two new recolored flames for the Pheonix avatar: green and purple. (NOTE: For functional use, rename flame1.fsh to flame.fsh.)
Compiled/By: Kalyanii |
[ back to the top ] |
DOWNLOAD: HERE (172 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj
Merle Furniture : "This patch was inspired by Merle's gray lounge chair (that's her chair in the patch - not mine!). As a thank you for drawing a picture of my character, Kalyanii, I decided to make her a set of furniture to go along with her chair. This was my very first big patch undertaking. The patch contains Merle's chair, an ottoman, a love seat, a shrink chair, an arm-backed chair, and a three seater couch. All but Merle's chair were made/modified by myself." - Kalyanii
(NOTE: I should have asked Merle's permission before I modified her object. Out of courtesy you should always ask permission from the patchmaker before modifying any of their objects.)
DOWNLOAD: HERE (84 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj
Psychoanalysis/Shrink Chairs : "This patch stemmed off from my Merle Furniture Patch. The items in this patch are solely "Psychoanalysis Chairs" or "Shrink Chairs", in the essense that they resemble them, of course." - Kalyanii
DOWNLOAD: HERE (233 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj
Psychoanalysis/Shrink Chairs : There are numerous pillows out there, modified by many furres, but none found in one comprehensive place. This patch compiles some of the colours and styles of pillows that are prevalent in Furcadia today. Original pillows by Talzhemir.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (48 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh
Alterna-Bookcases : "While I was making a house dream, I came up with these: a patch I like to call Alterna-Bookcases. Instead of the regular bookshelves and desks, try these in your dream for a Furcadia style furniture setting. This patch contains five different items and was planned to contain more until I got tired of making shelves. :P" - Kalyanii
DOWNLOAD: HERE (107 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj
Blue Beds : These beds are modifications of the one you see in the Rivendell Castle Patch by Corsyus. It includes a recolored blue bed, and another with a canopy like style.
By: Kaniaz |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (1.20 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh
Signs : Miscellaneous signs saying "Items", "Beach", "Open", and "Closed".
By: Kaorin |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (843 Kb) File Type(s): smileys.fsh
Anime Smileys
By: Katilyr |
[ back to the top ] |
DOWNLOAD: HERE (398 Kb) File Type(s): player2.fsh
Pheonix Wings for Felines : This player patch places the default Pheonix avatar wings (original art by Kestrel) on winged felines only.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (266 Kb) File Type(s): portrait.fsh, portrt2.fsh
The Katilyr Creations Portrait Patch v1.0
Katra Windrunner |
[ back to the top ] |
HERE File Type(s):
portrait.fsh, portrt5.fsh, item.fsh, iteme.fsh, floors.fsh
Item Patch : Includes an assortment of items from 2003
Asian New Year contest. Also includes the portraits used,
complete shapes for glittery fireworks, and the clear water
HERE File Type(s):
Descante Dress : Turns felines into
female felines wearing long dresses. |
HERE File Type(s):
player.fsh, portrait.fsh, player5.fsh, portrt5.fsh
Avatars : Includes an arrangement of Faerie avatars for
Equines, Mustilines, Canines, and Lapines. Also comes with
great portraits exact to their avatars appearances.
HERE File Type(s):
Faerie Items : An accessory of items
for faeries such as toadstool seats, mushroom houses,
fountains, and more.
HERE File Type(s):
player.fsh, portrait.fsh
Kilala Avatars : Turns
felines into tiny two-tailed felines. Comes with portraits for
males and females.
HERE File Type(s):
player.fsh, portrait.fsh, player5.fsh
Kimono Kitties
: Puts all unwinged felines in Kimonos. Comes with the
original Kito Festival portraits form the A.N.Y 2003 Contest.
HERE File Type(s):
player.fsh, portrait.fsh
Ram Avatars : Turns
felines into Rams. Comes with portraits for male and female
HERE File Type(s):
Pudge Pandas : Turns all felines into
big chubby pandas. Check Merle’s Panda patch for panda
portraits to go along with them.
HERE File Type(s):
Leonine Felines : Turns all unwinged
felines into a cross between lion and feline.
By: Katryn |
[ back to the top ] |
DOWNLOAD: HERE (409 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh, player2.fsh, player3.fsh, player4.fsh, player5.fsh, player6.fsh, player7.fsh, player8.fsh, player9.fsh, player10.fsh, player11.fsh, and player12.fsh
Ghost Furres : All furres become ghosts or spirits. This patch contains every furre combination and race possible: from regular furres, to bunnies in butterflies, to even Gryphons using their eagle form. "Just pick and use the ones you want. It really looks good in highly graphical and detailed dreams!" - Katryn
By: Keirei |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE ( - Kb) File Type(s): KDpatchV4.fsh
Kawaii De-Evolution Patch : (NOTE: Rename KDpatchV4.fsh to portrait.fsh for functional use.)
HERE (226 Kb) File Type(s): portrait.fsh, portrt2.fsh
Anime City Slayers Patch : Portraits by Keirei and Zeros Mettalium. "This version of the patch lacks a few things. Some of the heads kinda float in mid air although there are small color differences from Zeros' version of the patch." - Keirei
By: Kell Bengal |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (194 Kb) File Type(s): player5.fsh, portrt5.fsh, speci2.fsh
Reptiles : "It's about time the reptiles had an avatar of their own. Comes in two versions: clothed and nude. Yes, it's the only G rated nude patch in all of Furcadia!" - Kell Bengal
DOWNLOAD: HERE (342 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj
Double Beds : "A variety of lava lamps similar to the Mathmos Astro on my computer desk. Sehr nifty!" - Kell Bengal
DOWNLOAD: HERE (25 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, wall.fsh, wall.fbj,
Double Beds : "The bed is fully functional and comes as four shapes; positions are such as to allow for some very snuggleable combinations. Based on the original Furcadia bed textures." - Kell Bengal
DOWNLOAD: HERE (242 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj; logcabin.map, logcabin.ds
Log Cabin Patch : This patch was originally made for Reverie Snow Resort. Includes log cabin walls as well as a map and the adjoining DragonSpeak file.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (3814 Kb) File Type(s): wall.fsh, wall.fbj, iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, floore.fsh, floore.fbj; SA-11.map, SA-11.ds, 747-400.map, 747-400.ds
Panthair Aerial Service Patch : This patch contains all the trappings of a business jet-liner, including plane walls, seats, and cockpit, as well as two dreams to go along with the patch.
By: Kestrel |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (468 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh, portrait.fsh
Spooky Player Patch : Changes un-winged mice into eyeballs (complete with portrait); un-winged equines into "devils" holding a pitchfork; and un-winged felines into witches.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (132 Kb) File Type(s): player4.fsh
Eagles : Transforms the Pheonix avatar into an Eagle.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (277 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh
Canine Archangel Wings : Affects un-winged canines.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (629 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh, player2.fsh
Canine Butterfly Wings : Affects winged and un-winged canines.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (259 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh
Feline Butterfly Wings : Affects un-winged felines.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (633 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh, player2.fsh
Feline Dragon Wings : Affects winged and un-winged felines.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (261 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh
Amazon Felines : Affects un-winged felines.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (281 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh
Tri-Colored Wings : These Tri-Color wings are different than the current Tri-Color wings that you can buy from Furcadia's Digo Market. Affects un-winged felines.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (251 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh
Translucent Musteline Fairy Wings : Affects un-winged mustelines.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (17 Kb) File Type(s): flame.fsh
Blood Flames : Changes the default Pheonix flame from orange and yellow to red.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (22.9 Kb) File Type(s): Player4.fsh.fsh
Alternate phoenix avatar
DOWNLOAD: HERE (796 Kb) File Type(s): title261.pcx, Border1.pcx, Marbled.pcx, buttons.fsh
Artiste Gothique : Modifies your Furcadia appearance to a darker theme.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (222 Kb) File Type(s): portrait.fsh
DOWNLOAD: HERE (222 Kb) File Type(s): portrait.fsh
Ketz |
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HERE File Type(s): iteme.fsh,
item.fsh, readme.txt, item2.fsh
Hospital Items :
A set of hospital items.
By: Khadgar |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (3.65 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh
Gold Coins : A set of gold coin items and jewels.