By: Nahis Bloodbane |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (35.1 Kb) File Type(s): wall.fsh, wall.fbj
Skull Walls : "This tiny patch includes walls made of skulls. So, make your home more...organic, by using this patch!" - Nahis Bloodbane
By: Natalie |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (223 Kb) File Type(s): portrait.fsh
Bichtic Portrait Patch : "The best of every portrait patch I've ever attempted." - Natalie

DOWNLOAD: HERE (302 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh
Nightflies Player Patch : Affects un-winged felines, mustelines, rodents, and canines.
By: Neko Justice |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (80.0 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fbj, iteme.fsh, floore.fsh, wall.fsh
Ringer's House : This patch makes walls 32 units high, instead of the usual 64, with no thickness. Also included are some special objects that can be used to simulate angled walls at the corners of your rooms. "This makes it easier to create 3D-looking structures in your dream, but you need to block the player from walking behind these short walls or it will look unrealistic. Also included are some items that resemble Furcadia's classic default doors, banister railings, and a nice checkerboard floor tile." - Neko Justice
By: Nikodemus |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (5.33 Kb) File Type(s): 140 .fsh files
Alternate Walls : 140 fsh files containing 18,200 walls! Go here to view them all.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (473 Kb) File Type(s): brthplayer.fsh
Floor Tiles : 163 new floor tiles.
By: NightDweller |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (222 Kb) File Type(s):portrait.fsh
Horsin' Around Portraits : "Turns all the equine portraits into cow heads. ;·P" - NightDweller
DOWNLOAD: HERE (232 Kb) File Type(s):player.fsh
Psycho Feline Batwings : Gives unwinged felines bat/dragon wings, the color of their fur.
By: Nitefall |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (229 Kb) File Type(s):player.fsh
Unicorns : Affects unwinged equines.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (231 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh
Winged Canines : Affects unwinged canines.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (233 Kb) File Type(s):player.fsh
Nitefall Furres Player Patch : Combines Nitefall's Equines and Winged Canines, plus the wings featured on canines, now on felines. Affects unwinged players.
By: Niyogi and Windsong Spier |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (233 Kb) File Type(s): player4.fsh, portrait.fsh
"This is my first player patch and I actually like it. It overwrites the Player4.fsh, or the Pheonix player. Please feel free to edit this to your delights, but please give credit to us." --Niyogi
Compiled/By: Nullzafy |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (66.1 Kb) File Type(s): floore.fsh, floore.fbj, iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, wall.fsh
Fort Wall Set
DOWNLOAD: HERE (66.8 Kb) File Type(s): floore.fsh, floore.fbj, iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, wall.fsh
Alternate Fort Wall Set
DOWNLOAD: HERE (66.8 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, wall.fsh
White Wooden Walls : Original walls by Youlanda and Red Fox (used with permission), this patch includes staircases, long windows and frames.
By: Odd |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (7.24 Kb) File Type(s): snowmen.fsh, snowmenports.fsh
Snowmen : A wintry snowmen player patch, with portraits for all avatars, including unspecified.
DOWNLOAD: HERE File Type(s):
Wing Kitty : A "strange" feral kitty with
DOWNLOAD: HERE (9.28 Kb) File Type(s): reindeer.fsh, reindeerports.fsh
Reindeer : Turn into a reindeer with this player patch. Includes all portraits except unspecified.
Odhinn |
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HERE (616 Kb) File Type(s):Buttons.fsh, System.fsh, Marbled.pcx
Marbled : Changes your Furcadia game appearance into a medieval theme.
DOWNLOAD: HERE 105 Kb) File Type(s): Buttons.fsh, System.fsh, Marbled.pcx
Greenrune Marbled : Changes your Furcadia game appearance.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (55.9 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh
Feline Knights : Unwinged felines transformed into armored knights.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (504 Kb) File Type(s): item.fsh, item2.fsh, floors.fsh, wall.fsh, junction.fsh; one midi, sample.map, sample.ds
Arabia Patch : A desert/arabian theme for your dream. Includes new sand-like walls, columns, and banisters. Also come with matching floor tiles, pottery, and a fountain.
HERE (754 Kb) File Type(s): Buttons.fsh, System.fsh, Marbled.pcx, font1.pcx, floors.fsh, item.fsh, item2.fsh, wall.fsh, junction.fsh, player.fsh, portrait.fsh; four ambient sounds
Town : Includes new walls (tudor themed and stone) along with medieval signs, marketplace materials, among many other custom made items. Also includes the files from the above patch to change your Furcadia game appearance as well as ambient sounds to use in your dreams.
By: Ononoke Krieger |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (82.8 Kb) File Type(s): buttons.fsh
Alternate Buttons : This patch modifies some of your Furcadia buttons on the Furcadia interface screen.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (7.87 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh
Pillow Patch : "Some pillows I made. There's only a few: snowflakes, American flags, and camoflauge. I also made some wierd benches with pillows on them. Enjoy!" - Ononoke
By: Oviedo and Jefurre |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (2073 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, floore.fsh, floore.fbj, wall.fsh
Beekin Beach Party Patch : The patch from the Beekin Beach Party dream (made by Aliyka) is now available due to popular demand! Surfboards, waves, sandcastles, among other items, were made by Jefurre; Guardian fountains and Beekin floor tiles were made by Oviedo; and walls were taken from Nikodemus' wall site.
By: PhantomTiger |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (53 Kb) File Type(s): tassledness.fsh, tassledness.fbj
Tassled Pillows : Adds tassles to all of Furcadia's pillows (objects 1-32). (NOTE: These items to be put into another file or renamed to iteme.fsh& iteme.fbj for functional use.)
By: The Plants are Taking Over! |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (2578 Kb) File Type(s): item.fsh, item2.fsh, iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, wall.fsh
Plants : Assorted foilage items, walls, and floors.
By: Plom |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (104 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj; any.map, any.ds, two sound files, one midi file
Plom's Asian New Year : This patch and dream won second place in the Asian New Year Dream Contest held in 2002. It features a Chinese parade, complete with dragons and banners, and real-time fireworks with sound effects. Also comes with a parade midi and various Asian themed objects: lanterns, pillows, signs, and paper lamps.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (104 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, floore.fsh, floore.fbj, wall.fsh; compgames.map, compgames.ds, two midi files
Plom's Medieval Games : This patch and dream won second place in the Spring Festival Dream Contest held in 2002. It features many games, such as hangfurre, Dunk-a-Furre, a horse ride, a hedge maze, an obstacle course (with a princess' kiss when completed), Wack-a-Jester, Cream pie toss, and more! Items include a swing hanging from a tree, new hedge objects, and chest slot dispensers. Misaluv drew most of these graphics.
By: Plum Twist |
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and Badges Buttons
By: Pyrox |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (138 Kb) File Type(s): player3.fsh
Dragon Trenchcoats : (Modified from Jagu's feline trench coat patch.)
DOWNLOAD: HERE (714 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh, player2.fsh
Night On the Town : Changes unwinged felines to female, felines with wings to male; Unwinged canines to male and canines with wings to female. Everyone looks ready for a night on the town.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (377 Kb) File Type(s): player2.fsh
Fox Patch : Gives fox markings to canines with classic wings. (NOTE: Set boot color for the foot fur color, the Bracer color for the paw fur color, and the Markings color for the chest and mouth color.)
DOWNLOAD: HERE (138 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh, player2.fsh
Flaming Sword Foxes : Gives fox markings to unwinged canines and canines with classic wings, as well as flaming swords to canines with classic wings.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (1094 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh, player2.fsh, player7.fsh
Trenchcoats for Canines : Gives trenchcoats to unwinged, classic winged, and tri-winged canines; original trenchcoat's for felines by Jagu also included. (NOTE: Player2.fsh gives all other players Nitefall's bat wings.)
DOWNLOAD: HERE (492 Kb) File Type(s): player2.fsh
Kestrel's Dragons for Winged Canines and Felines
DOWNLOAD: HERE (757 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh, player2.fsh
Saber Canines : This patch gives a lightsaber weapon and classic wings to unwinged canines and a blade to winged canines. Weapon changes color according to furre badge color.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (222 Kb) File Type(s): portrait.fsh
Twisted Portraits : A portrait patch which skews all the default portraits in different ways, making them appear "twisted"!
DOWNLOAD: HERE (511 Kb) File Type(s): portrait.fsh, player.fsh
Starcraft Character : (Unfinished) Changes unwinged equines into Dark Archons from the game Starcraft. Comes with matching portrait.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (140 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, player.fsh, player2.fsh; dream
By: Queen Imara |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (274 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh, TheFurryFaeriePlayerPatch.fsh
Tiny Faerie Patch : Changes mustelines into small faeries, with trailing faerie dust. Also includes a file with additional faerie characters. (NOTE: For functional use, rename TheFurryFaeriePlayerPatch.fsh to iteme.fsh.)
DOWNLOAD: HERE (68 Kb) File Type(s): player5.fsh, player5.fbj
Lapines in Skirts : Affects unwinged lapines.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (240 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh, player.fbj
Felines in Gowns : Affects unwinged felines.
By: rainytown |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (2325 Kb) File Type(s): item.fsh, item.fbj, item2.fsh, wall.fsh, floors.fsh
Rainytown's House Patch : This patch was created to build rainytown's Furcadia house dream. Patch includes glass walls/door, a white baby dragon, piles of pillows, side bricks, and other things including art taken from other patches (info about those in the readme.txt file).
DOWNLOAD: HERE (1264 Kb) File Type(s): item.fsh, wall.fsh
Voodoo's House Patch : The main focus of this patch is the editted walls, including lower walls, dark glass walls, dark Balcony walls, and short-trimmed bushes.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (5 Kb) File Type(s): cocktails.fsh, cocktails.fbj
Cocktail Patch : "Yummy cocktails and their empty glasses!" - rainytown (NOTE: Rename cocktails.fsh and cocktails.fbj to iteme.fsh and iteme.fbj for functional use.)
DOWNLOAD: HERE (359 Kb) File Type(s): item.fsh, item.fbj, wall.fsh, floors.fsh,
Magician's Workshop / Atelier : Contains new, stone walls, floors, a foilage items such as a tree stump, bushes, and trees. "This is my world dream! Got inspired muchly by a game, Threads of Fate, which had a very creative style and world. The patch was never finished though, and I blame lack of free time for that!" - rainytown
DOWNLOAD: HERE (52 Kb) File Type(s): player5.fsh
Dalia's Wedding Flower Girl : Made originally for Dalia's Wedding, this patch affects unwinged lapines, turning them into flower girls.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (88.2 Kb) File Type(s): rainyports.fsh
Portraits : 10 portraits for different species.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (45.1 Kb) File Type(s): portrait.fsh, portrt5.fsh
Haven Guild's Party Patch : Done for Haven, located in the guild dream Secrets of Haven. "This patch was done for their year 2003 New Year party, but was made a party patch in general for free use in other dreams, too. Enjoy!" - rainytown
By: Randomism |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (3801 Kb) File Type(s): item.fsh, item2.fsh, wall.fsh, junction.fsh, floors.fsh, player.fsh, player2.fsh, player3.fsh, portrait.fsh, portrt2.fsh, portrt3.fsh, marbled.pcx, font1.pcx
Randomism Patch : "Our team of artists has worked long and hard to bring to you this wonderful portrait patch for Furcadia. It also includes a new marbled.pcx so you can play Furcadia in a whole new randomistic environment. We hope you enjoy it as much as you hope we do." - Randomism
Compiled/By: Rashaw |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (1002 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, wall.fsh, floore.fsh, floore.fbj
Assorted Role-Playing Items : This patch includes objects such as: dark screens for night, stackable pillows (DragonSpeak needed to animate), water basin and sink, fireplace screen, outhouse, large sittable mushroom, trap doors, and stepping-stones. Also includes floors for a river, dock, and better rug placement and in floor form: "(looks sort of like carpet, but with a nicer look)" - Rashaw
By: Raven |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (222 Kb) File Type(s): portrait.fsh
Eye Patch : Modifies the default portraits, changing the look of the furres' eyes.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (707 Kb) File Type(s): portrait.fsh, player.fsh, marbled.pcx, border1.pcx, title261.pcx
Furratic/Dragon Patch : This patch combines the Eyepatch portrait set with a different "dragon half" type equine. The opening screen shows a black and white skull with wings, and the words EVIL below it. Creepy! More noteworthy is the announcements PCX: a gothic looking screen with a black and white photo of an angel gravestone. Also comes with an alternate marbled.pcx that changes the appearance of your Furcadia program.
By: Reathion Arkadian Nights |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (34.9 Kb) File Type(s): wall.fsh, wall.fbj
Wall Patch V.1 : Blue wall patch.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (34.5 Kb) File Type(s): wall.fsh, wall.fbj
Wall Patch V.2 : Blue wall patch modified with windows.
By: Rei Waku |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (4.09 Kb) File Type(s): smileys.fsh
Black and White Smileys
By: Recidavra |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (222 Kb) File Type(s): portrait.fsh
Recidavra's Portrait Patch
Ria Craft |
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HERE File Type(s):
Flower Assorts : A few flowers I made.
Most of these are edited pieces of patches. Some are in vases,
some are on the ground, some are in pots, some are just
prettiful! I would suggest you use a few of these patches if
you are a garden person.
By: Ridere |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (32 Kb) File Type(s): floore.fsh
The Moving Cloud Patch : "Here's the animated cloud patch that I made for many of my dreams. They won't animate on their own, obviously. You need to animate them with DragonSpeak." - Ridere
DOWNLOAD: HERE (197 Kb) File Type(s): wall.fsh
The Lower Wall Patch : This patch creates the illusion of walls hidden behind floor tiles. Specifically editted are the light colored walls to achieve this effect.
By: Rikudim |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (1029 Kb) File Type(s): item.fsh
Various Items : This is a modified item.fsh from one of the earlier versions of Furcadia. Also includes signs with green and orange colored writing.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (241 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh
Seraphrats : Makes unwinged rodents look like gods! Mail me any updates you make :)" - Rikudim
By: Roland |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (368 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh, title261.pcx
Equine and Mustie Patch : Gives unwinged equines long cloaks and unwinged mustelines a ninja suit. Also comes with an alternate start-up screen for Furcadia, featuring art by Merle.
By: Rora |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (604 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh
The Anime Club Posters : Posters from The Anime Club's dream.
By: Rydia |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (222 Kb) File Type(s): portrait.fsh
Final Fantasy 4 Portrait Patch : "Huge thank you to Marah~Fae for helping with the coloring." - Rydia (NOTE: Male feline, musteline, and female equine and musteline are unfinished.)
DOWNLOAD: HERE (28.6 Kb) File Type(s): player3.fsh
Alternate dragons : "the vein-like patterns in the wings and throat are now fur-colored instead of hair colored" - Rydia
DOWNLOAD: HERE (27.0 Kb) File Type(s): marbled.pcx
Winter Wonderland : Changes the appearance of your Furcadia screen. "A snowy themed marbled.pcx I made, updated by Fayfnir." - Rydia
By: $atan's @ngel |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (36.2 Kb) File Type(s): floors.fsh; heart.map, heart.ds
Heart Floor Patch : Includes a dream to demonstrate the animation of the heart floor tile.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (70.3 Kb) File Type(s): player7.fsh
Penguins Galore : Player patch which affects tri-winged felines (gives them a halo), and tri-winged rodents (makes them into little penguins).
By: Saffron |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (222 Kb) File Type(s): portrait.fsh
Childish : "No templates, no scans...this was all drawn by mouse." - Saffron
DOWNLOAD: HERE (222 Kb) File Type(s): portrait.fsh
Another one! : "...I used the facial shapes that Talzhemir provides on her webpage and worked from there." - Saffron
DOWNLOAD: HERE (222 Kb) File Type(s): portrait
4 AM Portraits : "4AM was when I completed this patch." - Saffron
Compiled By: Sapphire Rain
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (402 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, floore.fsh
Plant Patch : This is a basic patch containing lots of plant life plus large rocks which are good for making caves. All of the items in this patch were taken from other patches: The Circle, Evrine's Beautiful Patch, Jujinka's Spring Festival, and the Silver Sponsor Showcase.
By: Seirre |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (222 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj
Tibian Patch : This patch was compiled from graphics made by the creators of Tibia, CIP. "I don't claim to have made any of them." -- Seirre
By: Sepvalia |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (444 Kb) File Type(s): sepvision.fsh, portraitOLD.fsh
Sepvision : (NOTE: Rename sepvision.fsh and/or portraitOLD.fsh to portrait.fsh for functional use.)
DOWNLOAD: HERE (444 Kb) File Type(s): portraitSM.fsh, portraitOLD.fsh
Sailor Moon Portraits : (NOTE: Rename portraitSM.fsh and/or portraitOLD.fsh to portrait.fsh for functional use.)
DOWNLOAD: HERE (144 Kb) File Type(s): MarbledO.pcx, MarbledF.pcx, MarbledF.pcx, oldMarbled.pcx
Dark Marbled : This Marbled.pcx changes your Furcadia game appearance. It features a black background, and choice of either original, female or male indicator that shows what you are holding or sitting on. Both female and male files come in the .zip, as well as a copy of the original Marbled.pcx file.
(NOTE: Rename the file of your choice to Marbled.pcx for functional use.)
DOWNLOAD: HERE (132 Kb) File Type(s): darkbluemarb.pcx, greenmarble.pcx, icebluemarble.pcx, purplmarble.pcx, yellowmarble.pcx, redmarble.pcx
The Rainbow Pack : This pack of six Marbled.pcx is simply basic colors: Dark Blue, Green, Ice Blue, Yellow, Red and Purple. These do not include the female and male item indicators as seen in the Dark Marbled Patch.
(NOTE: Rename the file of your choice to Marbled.pcx for functional use.)
DOWNLOAD: HERE (204 Kb) File Type(s): greenswirlM.pcx, greenswirlO.pcx, greenswirlF.pcx
Green Swirl : This Marbled is a 3D jumble of green and black. Includes female and male indicators also.
(NOTE: Rename the file of your choice to Marbled.pcx for functional use.)
DOWNLOAD: HERE (309 Kb) File Type(s): splashM.pcx, splashO.pcx, splashF.pcx
Splash : This Marbled is a beautiful 3D pattern which appears like someone threw buckets of paint at it. Includes female and male indicators.
(NOTE: Rename the file of your choice to Marbled.pcx for functional use.)
DOWNLOAD: HERE (161 Kb) File Type(s): entangleM.pcx, entangleO.pcx, entangleF.pcx
Entangle : This Marbled looks like a web of colors holding up Furcadia. Includes female and male item indicators.
(NOTE: Rename the file of your choice to Marbled.pcx for functional use.)
By: Seraph Sarah-Le |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (222 Kb) File Type(s): player4.fsh, portrt4.fsh
Chickens : Changes the phoenix avatar into chickens, complete with portraits.
DOWNLOAD:HERE (100 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh, portrait.fsh, portrt2.fsh, player5.fsh, portrt5.fsh
DooM Players : Changes players into different demons from id software's game series DooM. Laying poses are "death" shots, most avatars have an attack pose to replace sitting ones: Rodents to Imps, Equines to Barons/Hell Knights, Felines to Cacodemons, Canines to Lost Souls, Musties to Pinkies, and Lapines to Marines.
DOWNLOAD: HERE (87.5 Kb) File Type(s): player2.fsh, player6.fsh
Tri-Wings Classic Shape : Do you like the shape of the classic wings but not the flat, single color? Try these on for size: tri-colored wings in the shape of the classics! All species up to lapine are included. The lapines themselves walk rather than hop.
By: Serena Verde |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (222 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, floore.fsh, floore.fbj; Halloween Hotel.map, Halloween Hotel.ds
Castle Verde Hotel : The map, the DragonSpeak, and the patch files are a compilation from several different patch files. Contains everything needed to set up your own four star hotel, from beds fit for royalty to a wedding dinner set up in the dining room.
By: Shadraw and Skirmish |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (80 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh
Trees : Includes four realistic tree objects (not pictured is a taller version of the first tree).
Compiled/By: Sharrine |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (110 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh
Underwater Creatures : Includes original fish and mermaid avatars by Sharrine and compiled "Butterfairies for Felines" avatar by Hoshi Himura.
By: Shaviv |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (6 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj; DS
Shower :
Includes shower head, shower water stream, NE cannon, NW cannon, NE tank, and a NW tank. Also comes with useful DragonSpeak (including jukebox, autoshare, teleportation and shower on/off scripts; also an optimized version of Sidereal’s DS clock, credited to her).
By: Siana Myste/Techno-Rat |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (222 Kb) File Type(s): portrait.fsh
Anime 001
DOWNLOAD: HERE (2,843 Kb) File Type(s): item.fsh, item2.fsh, wall.fsh, junction.fsh, floors.fsh,
Siana's Christmas : A Christmas patch that includes pillows with snowflake patterns, a decorated pine tree, frosty trees, icy fences, blue wintry walls, and blue-tinted floor tiles. "My first item patch; was used during Haven Guild's Christmas Party." - Siana Myste
DOWNLOAD: HERE (2,874 Kb) File Type(s): item.fsh, item2.fsh, wall.fsh, junction.fsh, floors.fsh,
Siana's Christmas : A winter patch with frosted chairs, a drum, cooking pot, statues, and trees. Also includes wintry floors and walls. "A winter patch once used in Reverie Summit; it's full of surprises!" - Siana Myste
| DOWNLOAD: HERE (360 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh
Fire Wings : Affects all unwinged avatars. "This is the first wing patch I made. It's a wing patch with the design shaped like fire flames. I was inspired by some fairy pictures..." - Siana Myste
| DOWNLOAD: HERE (401 Kb) File Type(s): player.fsh
Warrior Flies : Affects all unwinged avatars. "Second wing patch I made. It was a basic butterfly design with slight armor." - Siana Myste
By: Sidereal and Talzhemir |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (254 Kb) File Type(s): iteme.fsh, iteme.fbj, floore.fsh, floore.fbj, wall.fsh, junction.fsh
The Home and Garden Patch: Made by Sidereal, Talzhemir and Nikodemus. Many objects are images from Talzhemir's Bookstore Patch. Some images of the patch used in this dream are original by Sidereal (not from bookstore patch), including the Spanish tiled roof items, the items placed on "coffee table" objects, such as the plant dish and slim book (or book pile) images, and the infamous hot tub! Walls are based on Nikodemus' Thousands of Walls templates.
By: Sivart |
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DOWNLOAD: HERE (320 Kb) File Type(s): portrait.fsh, title261.pcx
Five Rings Guild Patch : Alters the defaults portraits, removing markings and lengthening the hair of the male and female feline and the male canine. Also includes an alteration to the title screen of Furcadia.