Simon Potter
[Associate in Charge, Founder]
This dark equine practices the adage of "listen twice as much as you speak." An elder furre, he is apt to be found sitting and observing on a main map or off in a corner providing a friendly ear to Beekins who need to talk. Simon's primary task is consulting on personnel matters.

[Group Head]
Orion is a very easy going and friendly silver mau. Short for his kind, he wears a long sleeved shirt and a pair of pants that falls loosely over his sandals. White hair is seen over his soft black striped fur which is accompanied with green eyes and a warm smile. Known to wander, he keeps an eye out for a good chat or to offer a helpful paw and ear to those who would need it.

Sway is an amiable cougar, holding a humble smile. From the first glance of this furre you feel a warm presence. She bears a slender figure that is enchanted by her long auburn hair and her cape, a deep royal blue, wraps around an elegant frost colored dress. She moves gracefully, as she sends you an indicative wink and a kindly wave. Dreams and hopes are prominent in her eyes.

Nemo Kiana
This is the cheeriest, silliest, keen Nemo you will ever see. It's best to ignore the faux leather belt around her head, and the strange music and indistinguishable voices it emits. While she does have some... "unique" traits, she can be sane when she wants to (being crazy is just so much more fun). She hopes that her insanity doesn't scare anyone away from her, because she loves making friends, giving out/eating cookies, and helping anyone in anyway she possibly can.

Bright loose clothes, a casual manner, and a sly twinkle in the eyes. You've spotted Tarket. He's been a new furre and an old timer, he's been away and he's come back, he's been helped and a helper, a loner and one of the gang. And he's been a Kiwi named Bubbles. Pull up a pillow and stay a while.