Toytle vs Rabben - Art by Tiggerbaby

Toytle Vs Rabben

Cast your ballot!

Slow and steady, eat my dust, haste makes waste, no time like the present. The swift against the methodical, the deliberate against the decisive. A Rivalry as old as fable itself. So which are you? Do you take your time and do it right? Or get it done fast enough that you have time to correct any unforseen mistakes? Are you hard-shelled, or soft-furred? Choose your side! Buy a Desctag to join your favorite team!

But just remember, like every Versus Contest: Rabben Vs Toytle is a Vote! It's a contest! It's a raffle! And, it's fun!

A Vote! For every Toytle Desctag and Rabben Desctag sold, a tally will be kept. The team (Cottontails or Shellbacks) with the most total votes shall be declared the winner!

A Contest! You can buy as many desctags as you like. They only last two weeks, however each member of the winning team will be given a special desctag, identical in appearance, but lasting 6 months! A proud badge to show the furres of Furcadia that you participated in the 2009 Toytle vs Rabben Rivalry and you came out victorious!

A Raffle! That's not all! Each and every desctag, Rabben or Toytle, is also a ticket instantly entering you in a raffle for a chance at a free prize! This time we're doing things a little differently: If a Rabben Vote wins the raffle, the winner gets a free For-Life-Rabben, if a Toytle vote wins they get a free For-Life-Toytle, Free from Digomarket! Wow! Each vote for your team is also a vote increasing your chances of getting this awesome prize! If you buy ten desctags, and only one hundred desctags are sold, that's a one in ten chance that you'll win! The more you buy the greater your odds! Please keep in mind though, that there is only one prize, and any votes you give away increase the recipient's chance of winning (But what an awesome gift if they win!) so focus on helping your team first!

Special bonus: If EACH team gets over 200 Votes we'll give away a Rabben-For-Life AND a Toytle-For-Life. If both teams get more than 400 votes we'll give away Two Of Each! But wait, if in some strange freakish occurance, each team gets over 600 votes, Digo Market will bless eight lucky furres with one of FOUR Rabben-For-Life and FOUR Toytles-For-Life!!

Steady Versus Speedy!

Toytle 0    vs.    Rabben 29

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