Pirates vs Ninjas - Art by Pixels

Cast your ballot!

Light vs Dark, Order vs Chaos, Snark vs Shadow! There are some rivalries that linger eternally, the greatest among them being Pirates vs Ninjas! For three weeks, we here at Digo Market shall attempt the unattemptable, we put to you! ...the furres of Furcadia, to decide once and for all who shall reign triumphant! It's a vote! It's a contest! It's a raffle! And, it's fun!

Each week, there will be sales in the Digomarket commemorating a Piratey or Ninja-like Prime! Each of these specific sales, marked as a Pirate Sale or Ninja Sale will have a Pirate or Ninja Desctag. These are worth collecting, as they count as votes!

At the end of each sale, there will be an event to find out whether the Pirates or Ninjas prevailed in a given week! Whichever side wins will get their Pirate or Ninja desctag extended for a whole year!

...But wait, there's more!

Each week, we will have a drawing among all those who participated in the voting on a particular week! The winner of this drawing will receive one sales package from the Pirate and Ninja sales, for free!

...And still more, as a rare and coveted prize...!!!

Each week, we will have a second drawing among all those who participated in the voting for that week. The winner of this drawing will be given the opportunity to call themselves a Quarter-Prime, and given an exclusive Desctag to prove it! That's right, we are offering a way to achieve a Quarter-Prime status officially!

Who will win?

Ninjas -62    vs.    Pirates -67

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