Celebrity Auction
Ever wanted to get Talzhemir to draw you a sketch, have Felorin write a limerick
about you, or have one of our staff visit your dream and say hi to everyone? Just for fun, we auctioned off
some of our time to the highest bidders! All bidding was done in Golden DragonScales. Our server could use a
few more gigabytes of RAM, so we're going to use the money to pay for that, and make Furcadia better for
everyone! We also used this to test out the first version of a new auction system that you'll be able to use to
run your own auctions in your dreams.
How did it work?
The Celebrity Auction took place in the Celebration dream, and was a live auction! There was a "bid" command
you could use during each auction. It only accepted your bid if it was higher than the last bid placed. You
also needed a certain number of DragonScales to be able to bid - or even to enter the auction room. Bidders
didn't necessarily have to have the full amount, but we required some to keep people from disrupting the
auction with bids they didn't mean to honor. Those with less than 20 Golden DragonScales, had that as their
bidding limit. Those with 20 could bid up to 49 Scales. Those with 50 could bid as high as 99. And
anyone with 100 DragonScales or more could bid as high as they liked. If someone brings that many Scales, we
believe they're really serious about the auction!
Preferred seating was also available based on how many DragonScales the bidders had, in reverse order. First
people with 100 or more DragonScales entered the room, then those with 50 Scales, and so on down until everyone
was seated.
The auction was broadcast live from the auction room on the =event channel, and we've included the log
You must be 18 to place bids in any auction.
So, what was on offer?
Bio: Dr. Cat is the head of Dragon's Eye Productions, and a long time game industry pioneer. He's worked on over three dozen games before Furcadia, including the Ultima series. He's in charge of design and management at Dragon's Eye, did all the original Furcadia programming, and created the DragonSpeak language.
How much Felorin does your scales get you?
1 GD - For 1 Golden Dragonscale Felorin will wink at you and say "I'm just this cat you know.".
20 GD - For 20 GD he will come visit your dream (or anywhere you choose) for half an hour and talk to you about his experiences making games for a living, You can have as many friends as you like along, or have him visit your whole guild, or keep him all to yourself.
50 GD - For 50 GD, he will compose a limerick about any person or subject of your choice, just for you. For each 50 GD after the first, you get another limerick!
100 GD - For 100 GD, and each 100 GD after the first, he'll add an extra hour to the visit, up to a maximum of three extra hours.
500 GD - And if the auction goes to 500 GD or more, he will broadcast "Felorin says <your name here> is so cool!" on the system broadcast channel, and will fold 3 metallic foil origami dragons and mail them to you in real life, or to whoever you want to give him a mailing address for.
Bio: Talzhemir is one of the creators, and the Art Director, of Furcadia. She and Felorin wrote the dialog in Ultima VI, which is how they met. Talzhemir is the originator of the "canon" source material created for use in Furcadia, such as the Primes, geography, and creatures.
How much Talzhemir does your scales get you?
15 GD - I'll RP 1 hour with you as an alt, or hang out OOC, in the Dream of your choice (no adult RP)
30 GD - and I'll draw and email you a scan of a nice pencil sketch of one character.
45 GD - 1 more hour of RP/hanging-out
50 GD - ...make that sketch a colored sketch
60 GD - I'll throw in a copy of the new RPG Quicksilver, autographed both by herself and by the other author, Jeff Dee (of D&D fame)
75 GD - ...and I will teach you one-on-one to use GMAX, the training program for 3DStudio Max, using Furcadia. (Make sure your computer can run GMAX first!!) Typical time is 2 hours, and you will be able to make 3D objects. Even if you're not that artistic!
100 GD - I'll create an Object for your Dream as a kind of neat souvenir
200 GD - ...and I'll knit you a two-colored hat. Because hats are nice!
300 GD - ...and make a logo (for your Dream's Marbled, for your web page, etc.) in Illustrator.
400 GD - If you live in the U.S. or Canada, she'll throw in 10 oz. bottle of fine extract that she makes herself using two dozen Vanilla beans and a home-made jar of bean soup mix (or else she'll draw a second sketch, in color).
500 GD - ...that hat will be a pure hypoallergenic super-soft handspun all-Alpaca hat. (Or handspun non-allergenic soya-silk if you're Vegan)
Bio: Sanctimonious is a Creator, the lead programmer, and the server administrator of Furcadia. He is responsible for many unofficial applications and websites, such as Hyoomans on Furcadia, DogProxy, and FurBot. In his human form this Finnish fox is a 26-year-old dilettante musician, writer, and entrepreneur extraordinaire, whose interests vary from Pratchett to Potemkin. He is also known to fiercely defend the claim of not having a single geekish bone in his body.
How much of sanctimonious will you get with your scales?
1 GD – I will publicly apologize for writing DreamEd.
10 GD – I’ll spend time with you and/or your friends, IC or OOC.
20 GD – ...And I won’t tell any jokes.
30 GD – ...Or puns.
40 GD – ...And I’ll try to answer any questions you might have about Furcadia.
50 GD – ...And I will show you a little sneak preview of our upcoming update.
60 GD – ...And I’ll add one feature of your choice to DogProxy. The feature must be non-intrusive and technically feasible.
1000 GD – ...And I will help you with programming or FurBot.
For bids over 50 GD, I will match the remainder with a donation to an approved charity of your choice.
Emerald Flame
Bio: Emerald is the Producer for Dragon's Eye Productions. As one of the four Creators and game owners, Emerald is the motivator and facilitator for the rest of the company, as well as game designer, layout artist, map designer, forum moderator, tech support coordinator, creator of the Beekin Program and executive cat-herder. Emerald is also known for her work with The Circle in Sanctuary.
How much Emerald Flame does your scales get you?
1 GD - - I'll blow you a kiss. ;)
10 GD - 30 minutes chatting in your dream answering Furcadia questions.
20 GD - Up to 60 minutes with dreamweaving suggestions too if you like.
50 GD - An hour in your dream, and show you some juicy update secrets.
100 GD - ...and give advice on holding an event for your dream or guild, then help by:
-showing up for several hours when you hold it.
-making sure you have 100 cookies to give away.
200 GD - The preceeding, or optionally I'll officiate a Heartbonding ceremony in Sanctuary or a dream of your choice. This includes:
- An announcement on the News Channel
- Special Desctags for those getting heartbonded. This will be the first Heartbonding to recieve the Heartbonding Desctags!
- 100 cookies to give out at the reception
- and I'll attend the reception.
DragonScales will be used to obtain a Group Package for Sanctuary.
Bio: Cironir is Furcadia's Community Manager. Most people know him for his involvement with the Guardians and the Beekins, the two of his "hats" that have the size of sombreros.. He is from Germany (a tabby with a foreign accent!). He's been with DEP for roughly six years now and worked for another virtual-graphical community in the five years prior to joining the Cat House. He does not really wish to be auctioned off, but was not given a choice!
How much Cironir does your scales get you?
1 GD - One free boot from the game!
15 GD - 30 minutes chatting in your dream, answering Guardian questions.
25 GD - 60 minutes of uninterrupted time in your dream, what a scary thought!
50 GD - Same as above, plus Cironir will wear a portrait saying "<3 ______" where "_____" is the name of the auction winner, and you'll get a white rose with a note from Cironir!
150 GD - Participation in four hours of interactive and authentic Guardian training, including roleplaying sessions, taught by Cironir. Cironir will also send you an electronic certificate that you attended the training.
250 GD - You get to chat with Cironir on Skype for two hours (split into two different sessions, an hour each) about Furcadia, community, Guardians and whatever else is on your mind! (Not immediately after the auction!) He'll also come for two hours to your dream.
300 GD - Same as above, just optionally a phone call instead of Skype (we pay for the international call*) plus an original bar of German chocolate, with a greeting card from Cironir - per mail right into your house!
350 GD - Same as above, and you get TWO MINUTES of authentic Guardian Powers so that you can personally BOOT CIRONIR from Furcadia!
Bio: Gar is a Canadian 3d animator working for Dragon's Eye Productions in the United States. In his work for Furcadia Gar has created large amounts of web and game art, and many game maps including Naia Green, the upcoming Olde Town and new Furrabian Nights, and extensive work on the various festival maps. Gar's Duties also include AIC of the Beekin Helpers and Masons, and supplier of slushies to the DEP office.
How much Gar does your scales get you?
1 CD - I will whisper a message to the recipient of your choice.
1 SD - I will immediately approve a portrait for you. (Portrait and Port space extra)
1 GD - A single golden scale gets you 5 minutes of my undivided attention.
10 GD - For ten gilded dragon sheddings I will hang out with you, and at your option your friends for an hour wherein the following may occur:
- General hanging out
- DS Tutoring and/or discussion
- Help with Highschool level English
- Furcadia questions answered
(The preceeding may ensue for more than an hour at my whim.)
20 GD - Twenty shiny dragon scales gets you the preceeding, plus an hour's tour of the unreleased 'Olde Towne' Map for you and a small number(to be negotiated) of your friends.
50 GD - For fifty scales of a golden dragon you get to hang out with me for up to four hours on Furcadia with all of the preceeding and the additional options of:
- A complete dream review of your dream, with DS, patching and weaving suggestions, and even a little direct help if you so choose.
- 15 minutes of voicechat on Skype.
100 GD - 10,000 Copper Scales gets you all of the preceeding, plus more extensive dream help such as:
- Advanced DS/patching help
- combining of patches
- installing cuff/hop DS
- writing custom DS tailored to your dream
- Your 30 minutes of voicechat now includes webcam
300 GD - Grand Prize!
Instead of all that other stuff you get one of the following: A complete dream: weaving and DS using the patches of your choice. For examples of my work please see Naia Green and the Wolf Howl and Sun Festival quests.
- I can install and modify database DS(Inventories/Stats)
- Make rides
- Quests, puzzles, games
10 Unstructured hours of my time. (Possibly nonconsecutive)
-Want me to roleplay in your continuity?
-Want me to voicechat with your mother?
-Want me to sit with you and your best friend Fargo and discuss socks?
-I also GM/Play DnD 3.5
-Very negotiable
Bio: Farrier is the AIC of the bugges, and joint AIC for the Scribes. He joined Furcadia five years ago this month, and has almost never been seen since. He is notoriously reclusive, which makes this one of the few chances most furres would get to ever see him!
How much Farrier does your scales get you? Farrier's ladder is additive. If you bid for any item, you're also bidding for every item cheaper than it on his list.
1 CD - One word whispered per CD to anyone you want, spread over up to ten whispers. You can choose what he says... or you can risk letting him choose!
1 SD - One cookie per SD, to a maximum of ten cookies, to anyone you want.
1 SD or more - 15 seconds of Farrier's time on Furcadia per SD, with no maximum (equal to 24GD/hr), doing... anything you like! Farrier's forté is programming and bug-testing (web pages, dreams, bots, proxies, you name it), but you don't have to restrict yourself to that! Socialising? Art? Poetry? Posing silently as a garden gnome for your dream's garden party? Lecturing you and your friends on the finer points of the Glaswegian cabbage industry? You choose! Even better, if he doesn't have to be online to what you've asked, you'll get twice as much time for the money! Very handy for programming tasks.
50 GD - You get an emailed PDF "telegram" from "Western Onion", written by Farrier. Just because it's something he's been working on IRL lately, and he wants to show it off.
100 GD - As well as Furc, you get simultaneous Skype! MSN Webcam! ICQ! AIM! If he doesn't have an IM client of your choice, he will try to obtain and install it (he runs Win2k or Ubuntu Linux). If you're in London, he'll even meet up!
Farrier isn't available 24/7, and won't do anything forbidden by law, Furcadia rules, or morality. Check before bidding that he is able to do what you want, when you want. He's not a "clock-watcher", and if you get him working on some interesting DS or programming problem, he's likely to be there far beyond the agreed time!
Bio: Rei-Jin is a mish-mash of an educator, a tech-geek, and a community counselor. She enjoys jokes, trivia, a good book, and playing musical instruments. In her time on Furcadia, she has served on Beekin Council for the Guardians and BuggeHunters. Rei-Jin's duties include being the AIC for the Scribe and Welcomer Beekins, in charge of Events, and reigning as the current Queen of Furcadia Email.
How much Rei-Jin does your scales get you?
1 CD - I will whisper a message to the recipient of your choice.
1 SD - You may ask three questions of me, and I will do my best to answer.
1 GD - A single golden scale gets you 5 minutes of my undivided attention.
10 GD - For ten scales I will hang out with you, and at your option your friends for an hour wherein the following may occur:
- General hanging out
- I will run a private game-party for you and your friends
- Help with homework (I /am/ a teacher!)
- Furcadia questions answered.
(The preceeding may ensue for more than an hour at my whim.)
50 GD - Fifty shiny dragon scales gets you the preceeding, plus an hour of playing the highly addictive /Hayfurre Tag/.
100 GD - For 100 scales you get to hang out with me for up to four hours on furcadia with all of the preceeding and the additional options of:
- A custom portrait drawn by yours truly.
- One personal message (family friendly) broadcast to all of Furcadia!
200 GD - 20,000 Copper Scales gets you all of the preceeding, plus:
- Two additional portraits for yourself, or friends
- One webpage written up for you or your character
300 GD - Grand Prize!
All of the preceeding, plus:
- One additional personal message (family friendly) broadcast to all of Furcadia!
- One website (Up to seven pages) for you or your character
So, how did it go?
The auction itself was far longer (and more fun!) than a log of the event channel could possibly show. However, including the whole log here would be excessive, so we will bring you "just the highlights" from the events channel.
Felorin: Hi everyone, and welcome to our coverage of our first ever Celebrity Auction! If any of you are planning on bidding, come on in to furc://festival2 right now. Otherwise, enjoy the show!
Felorin: Furres are coming in to our auction and finding seats, we'll be starting soon. This is exciting, our first ever auction! If the programming works out well, we may be releasing this to the public, so you dream owners can run their own auctions in their dreams. 
Felorin: Our auction's starting! First to go up for sale is Talzhemir. Info on what she's offering is at http://www.furcadia.com/tenth/auction.html - if you have scales and want to come bid, come to furc://festival2 and type @auction to come in.
Felorin: Talzhemir's offering to do actual original art for the winner if her auction gets to at least 30 Golden Scales - a rare opportunity to get your character drawn by the artist who created almost everything you see here in Furcadia! (Hey, but I programmed it!)
Felorin: For a complete list of what Talzhemir (and everyone else) are offering for different bidding levels, go to http://www.furcadia.com/tenth/auction.html
Felorin: And now, it's time to start the bidding on Talzhemir! Talz, take a bow, or strike a dramatic pose as you choose. Our own cougar djinn co-creator art director, here she is!
Felorin: And we have 1 scale, 2... 25 from Alabaster Sea, now 75 Golden Scales from Dalmad Cronos!
Felorin: We're up to 100! At this level Talzhemir's throwing in a free autographed copy of the pen & paper RPG Quicksilver she co-created, and she'll create and object for the winner's dream! Will anyone go higher?
Felorin: And we have 101. Now 125! Remember, all proceeds from this auction go to help us buy more RAM for the Furcadia Server, to provide better service to everyone. Oh, 126!
Felorin: Friendly Sammy and Dalmad Cronos are in a bidding war. 150, now 151 Golden DragonScales!
Felorin: We have 166 DragonScales. If the bidding goes to 200, Talzhemir will knit the winner a hat. Honest to goodness! She made sanctimonious a hat with fox ears last time he was visiting us from Finland. 
Felorin: We're at 300 DragonScales! Now Talzhemir will draw the winner a logo as well! For your web page, your dream's patch, etc.
Felorin: Ok, I have 310 DragonScales going once!
Felorin: 310 Golden DragonScales going twice!
Felorin: 310 Golden DragonScales for the third and final time!
Felorin: And Talzhemir's time and art skills go to Dalmad Cronos for 310 Golden DragonScales! Congratulations, Dalmad!
Felorin: Next up for auction we have sanctimonious! It's midnight in Finland and I guess he didn't manage to stay up, so I'll be playing the role of the programming fox as we auction him off in absentia! Imagine his surprise when he wakes up and finds out who bought him! 
Felorin: Remember, if the bidding goes high enough, sanctimonious will show you a sneak preview of part of the update! http://www.furcadia.com/tenth/auction.html for all the details!
Felorin: Remember all you ladies - sanctimonious is single. And looking! 
Felorin: And we have 25 Golden DragonScales, 40, 50, 60 from Cruncher!
Felorin: 61 DragonScales from Friendly Sammy! 70 from Cruncher! Who will win Furcadia's favorite fox?
Felorin: And bidding is up to 100 Golden DragonScales for sanctimonious!
Felorin: We're at 101 Golden DragonScales for sanctimonious, bid by Cruncher. Looks like he might take this one. Winner gets a new DogProxy feature of their choice programmed in!
Felorin: He might even send you a photo of himself in the fox hat Talzhemir made for him! Oh, and we have 102! 103!
Felorin: And our bidding is up to 131 DragonScales by Cruncher!
Felorin: And we have 150 Golden DragonScales from Friendly Sammy!
Felorin: And sanctimonious is sold to Cruncher, for 151 Golden DragonScales! Congratulations Cruncher!
Felorin: Next up we have the lovely, the charming, the sweet, the beloved by all, the kitterwing of kommunity, the emir of events, the one, the only, my sweetie and fiancee', it's Emerald Flame! 
Felorin: Anybody who buys a little of her time had better return her to me in the same condition you found her! 
Felorin: Emmie is also offering a chance at some sneak previews of things from the update, help with how to do events in your guild, or even a Heartbonding ceremony performed by her!
Felorin: If the bidding reaches 200 for the Heartbonding, you'll be the FIRST ones to get her special Heartbonding Desctag, which only she can give to people.
Felorin: Plus you get cookies. 
Felorin: And we're up to 50 DragonScales from Albaster Sea already!
Felorin: No wait, 100 from Solyce!
Felorin: 200 DragonScales from Kuni Zyrekai! Very spirited bidding for Emerald Flame!
Felorin: 220 scales from Friendly Sammy! 235 from Solyce!
Felorin: This is wild folks! 250 from Sammy! 260 from Kuni Zyrekai!
Felorin: Friendly Sammy has bid 300 Golden DragonScales!
Felorin: And we have 350 DragonScales from Friendly Sammy!
Felorin: We will be getting the "Emerald Flame memorial ram stick" for the server I think. 
Felorin: We have 351 DragonScales from Kuni Zyrekai!
Felorin: And a new bidder enters the fray! 380 DragonScales from Xxysthstris!
Felorin: We're up to 430 DragonScales, breaking the record from our first auction! 
Felorin: And we have 460! 470!
Felorin: We have 480 from Xxysthstris! 500 from Friendly Sammy!
Felorin: Emerald is surprised and amazed bidding has gone so high. There'll be a heartbonding for some lucky furres for sure, who will it be?
Felorin: And we have 510 DragonScales from Xxysthstris! Wow that's hard to type. 
Felorin: And in a surprise development - Xxysthstris outbids HIMSELF, going up to 600 DragonScales!
Felorin: Felorin wraps his tail around a gavel and bangs it on the floor behind him. SOLD!
Felorin: Emerald Flame goes to Xxysthstris (and that's the last time I'm willing to type THAT name tonight) for 600 Golden DragonScales! Thank you Xx-whatever for helping us upgrade the server so much! 
Emerald|Flame: Thanks for all the nice whispers, sorry i can't answer them all! 
Felorin: Next up, we have the furre that put the C in community (to replace the K that was there before). The most German member of our staff, he was Community Manager at Dreamscape before joining us here at Furcadia, where we're lucky to have him!
Felorin: Bid 50 and get him to wear a portrait with your name on it, or go up higher and get authentic Guardian training, or even a live voice chat with Ciro!
Felorin: (If you have DragonScales and want to come join in, come to furc://festival2 and type @auction)
Emerald|Flame: Ciro is ill today and I woke him to attend the auction, so be easy on him!
Felorin: And right out of the gate, after a 5 DragonScale bid from Bezal, we have 198 DragonSceals fro Alabaster Sea! I guess he wants to win the auction for Cironir and doesn't care who knows it!
Felorin: And we have 210 from Freya-San. 215 from Solyce. 250 from Freya-San! Bidding on your boss Guardian there, Freya?
Felorin: And we have 260 DragonScales from Friendly Sammy!
Felorin: And the bidding's up to 300 Golden DragonScales from Friendly Sammy! If we get to 350, the winner gets 2 minutes of Guardian powers and can boot Cironir! (Did I approve that? )
Felorin: And Friendly Sammy outbids himself, just for the Guardian powers! Don't make him angry during those two minutes, anyone. 
Felorin: And Friendly Sammy wins Cironir for 350 Golden DragonScales! Keep an eye on Cironir's portrait to see what he puts in there for Sammy. 
Felorin: And now sanctimonious enters the auctionhouse! Won't he be surprised to find out we already sold him? 
Felorin: Don't worry, friend fox, I acted as you and told everybody what a well-dressed Finn I was. 
Felorin: He's the Master of Masons, the Doctor of Dreamwaving, and the Czar of Cuteness at the same time! He's the one, the only, the incomparable Gar! He'll help you with DragonSpeak, he'll voice chat with you, if you bid enough he'll even make you a complete dream! Gar's the one that makes the fancy complicated rides and quests in our festivals, so this is a great offer!
Felorin: From Finland to America to Germany, now we have a genuine Canadian up for sale! We'll start the bidding, as always, at 1 Golden DragonScale and see where it goes from there. 
Felorin: You won't find anyone with cuter cat photos in their portrait space. 
Felorin: And we have 5, 10, 16, no 20!
Felorin: Hey, isn't that another staff member that just bid 21? We have 35 from Skadowee, 40 from Friendly Sammy!
Felorin: Now we have 50 from Alabaster, 60 from Sammy, 70 from Xxysthstris! That's enough for help with your dream and 15 minutes voicechat.
Felorin: And we have 300 Golden DragonScales from Friendly Sammy! That's enough to get Gar to make a dream for him. 
Felorin: Anybody else interested in bidding to get Gar to make a custom dream for them? Or have him make cute faces at you? 
Felorin: And Gar has been sold to Friendly Sammy for 300 Golden DragonScales!
Felorin: Next up, our Welshman behind the scenes, Farrier, has done more things to help with our Furcadia technology than almost anyone. Helping with web and database work as well as running our Bugge Hunters, he also is responsible for adapting Terry Pratchett's game Thud to the Internet.
Talzhemir: Bid well for this canine Cymric. He can even help you with things you didn't know needed helping!
Felorin: He's charming, helpful, bright, AND he still has all his teeth! Bid on Farrier and you can have your own webcam chat with him, and get his help with almost anything technology-wise. 
Felorin: And we have 15 from a fellow Londonite! Xxysthstris bids 50!
Felorin: Farrie's up to 80 now. And what ARE these people saying in Welsh? My goodness!
Felorin: And Xx-um, I give up. He outbids himself at 150 DragonScales for Farrier, qualifying for the video chat!
Felorin: Xxysthstris outbids himself a second time, going up to 200 DragonScales! Ok, for that money I *am* willing to type his name again. 
Felorin: And Xxy wins Farrier for 200 DragonScales! Two more staff to auction off!
Felorin: Now this is no fair at ALL. How could I possibly say anything nice enough about Rei-Jin?
Felorin: Rei-Jin is possibly the most helpful person on the entire planet Earth. She helps us with everything imaginable, and some things not imaginable. She also answers a lot of our emails, maybe she's answered one of yours! Bid on her and you can get her to run a game in your ream, draw you portrait art, or even make you a website!
Felorin: And we have 20 bid on Rei-Jin by Jesto. 21 by Cruncher!
Felorin: Wotty bids 30!
Felorin: We have LuneRyuu at 40, Wotty bids 50, enough for a game of Hayfurre Tag!
Talzhemir: This is your opportunity to get that web page that you keep telling yourself you should have. And if motivation is your obstacle, Rei-Jin can be out in front, at your side, and squarely behind you.
Felorin: Bidding on Rei-Jin is up to 65 DragonScales now by Cruncher. Will they bid up to 100 to get Rei-Jin to draw a portrait for the winner?
Felorin: We're up to 81 DragonScales from Cruncher! 82 from wottyy!
Felorin: And we have 99 DragonScales from wottyy! I'm going to throw in an extra scale of my own so he can get the portrait drawn for him. 
Felorin: And Cruncher bids 101! It's a battle for the portrait art! 
Felorin: After the third and final on 102, we have a surprise bid of 110 from Raz!
Felorin: And we have 130... Now 140!
Felorin: And we're up to 141 DragonScales from wottyy! People just aren't willing to give up on Rei_jin!
Felorin: This is quite a drawn-out struggle. Rei-Jin is now going for 175 DragonScales. Almost to 200, where she'll do three portrait spaces and a website!
Felorin: And we have a bid of 200 from Raz!
Felorin: The Rei-Jin bidding war continues, she's up to 220 DragonScales now!
Felorin: 260 Scales by Raz in the longest auction in recent memory!
Felorin: And Raz wins Rei-Jin for 260 scales! Next up is Felorin!
Felorin: Next up is me. Wow. What can I say about myself that I haven't said already before? 
Felorin: If people bid enough, I'm offering.... stuff. Let's see, I'll write limericks about you and your friend, visit your dream, for enough I'll even do a system broadcast of your choice. (No vegematic ads or elephant jokes though.)
Felorin: I'm cute, I'm stripey, I made Furcadia with Talzhemir, I worked on dozens of other games for home computers and videogame systems... I'll make you an origami dragon even! I'm good at those. I also have a devious sense of humor, a broad overview of all the world's knowledge, and I can turn gold into chocolate with a wave of my paw. 
Felorin: We have 31 Scales from Toast! 33 from Skadowee!
Felorin: We have 45 from Raz!
Felorin: And the bidding on Felorin (that's me!) is up to 62! Am I going to go at a bargain price here?
Felorin: We have 100 DragonScales bid by Randi Allah!
Felorin: Bids on Felorin are up to 110. Will he set a new record for the lowest price at tonight's auction? Did all the big bidders get tired and go home? Will the butler marry the barber's daughter? Tune in next week and find out!
Felorin: We're up to 130. I think they're just trying to tease me. 
Felorin: And the bidding is up to 168 by Randi Allah!
Felorin: And we have 175 bid!
Felorin: 180 from Toast... 190 from Randi Allah... There's still no telling who will win this one!
Felorin: And we have a last minute surprise bidder, Friendly Sammy is back and has bid 300 DragonScales for Felorin (me!)
Felorin: And now we have 500! I guess Felorins are in demand in Furcadia after all. 
Felorin: And our last auction is won by Friendly Sammy, who wins Felorin for 500 Golden DragonScales! Congrats Sammy!
Felorin: Thanks to all our bidders tonight for helping us get more RAM for the server. www.youlanda.com/misc/pwn/furcmoarram.jpg The auction was such a success we'll be using some of the money when we add on another server machine too. Thanks again and goodnight!